
swelling of eyes

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on swelling of eyes

I have a kitten that I rescued from outside when he was 3 months old and started him on a b...
Hello - My 13 week old long haired dachshund woke up this morning with her face swollen. ...
dose a ct scan show serious eye problems ?
I have a 9 years old son. In the last 3 months we have been witnessing swelling of his eyel...
Hi everybody, I am 24 years old and got a swelling on the left corner of both my eyes. I ha...
Six weeks after cataract surgery and have swelling under eyes. Could this be a reaction to...
I recently underwent radioactive iodine treament and have now been toying with various thyr...
Is boniva a possible cause of papilloma virus on the eyelid going into the conjunctiva? T...
I've been having difficulty with unilateral left eye swelling. It's intermittent and mild ...
I have burning eyes. Feels like it is behind the eyes. Can dry eyes make you burn behind th...
00, 2 hours ago To: Dr. Ray Oyakawa Thank you for your response. I noted that for the la...