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THE FOLLOWING PASSED (GENERAL ADULT) Carlson® Super 2 Daily Vitamins and Minerals Iron Free (2 softgels per day)* Eniva® Original VIBE™ (1 fluid ounce, 1-2 per day)* Jamieson® Chewable Vita Vim® (2 chewable tablets per day) Life Extension® Two Per Day ...

Ok so i checked everywhere for baby aspirin but they have none so i got normal which is 300mg and im quartering it of which ends up been 75mg.is this ok?

I've been having really painful gas pains for about 4 days and its getting unbearable. Does anyone know If its ok to use simethicone? I looked online and can't find anything :(

Ok this is kind of embarassing but I was just prescribed an iron-multi vit pill n I can't swallow the damn thing!! It's so huge n I tried swallowing it with a piece of bread but the bread went down n the pill was still stuck in my mouth. The worse part is ...

I was wondering if anyone has taken baby asprin to help prevent a miscarriage?? I have had two miscarriages in the past 4 months! I just found out on tuesday that I am pregnant and im going to the dr. Tuesday but im sooo nervous about this I dont want to ...

Hello mam, saw ur posts and would like to thank u onset for the service and help ur rendering for people, My querry is i had sex with csw in 2015 august and after 31 days got tested negative and 104 days got tested negative i used two condoms for sex and...

My friends have two small children neither of whih ever eat vegetables. Can this hurt them long term?

Hi everyone! I had quadruple bypass surgery 5 years ago. No I have implanted pacemaker/defibrillator. Recently i developed severe back pain and can barely walk. I got prescribed Norco, lidocaine patches, and diclofenac 75 mg. Yesterday I took Norco and I p...

I'm trying to figure out whether the chest pains I get are angina or from something else. I get chest tightness when I get stressed. Feels like someone is pushing as hard as they can against my sternum. It lasts a few minutes, goes away and may come bac...

I'm in my third trimester now and I have been having uncomfortable acid reflux and heart burn. I found a very quick solution to the pain/discomfort and I want to share! Take a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it well with half cup of water, then down it lik...

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