11 - 20 of 161642 Posts
Hello I have a question, I have been diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy, Atrial Fib (AF), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)and an Enlarged Heart back in 1998. at that time my (EF) Ejection fraction was well over 60%. I went to my Doctor the other day and found o...

I keep having Swollen muscles in my hands with severe recurrent cramping. I was @ one time diagnosised with sero-negative R.A. but my blood work etc makes my Rheum. doctor to believe I do not have R.A. She is currently at a loss as to what's going on. ...

I have a damaged heart and recently diagnosed with PVCs...I am waiting for an EP Study in about 2 weeks. Today I got the flu...I haven't thrown up (yet), but I am concerned about it and even just the flu symptoms. Also...I don't have CHF or blockage. Shou...

Is this anxiety or something else? I have head pressure, shoots of pain, ear pressure, millions of ear infections in left ear always feels wet inside. ENT says everything is normal, I take nexium for acid reflex, klor-con, slowmag, vitamin d3 2000, iron pi...

I am 32 yr old female. I have high blood pressure and am pre-diabetic. i had a metabolic panel done and not sure how to read results! sodium 138 meq/l potassium 3.3 meq/l chloride 100 meq/l co2 26 meq/l glucose 99 mg/dl bun 8 mg/dl creatinin...

This all started with my potassium being low and being hypoglycemic. The endo doctor took me off all diuretics so that i could take the renin and aldesterone tests. Does the potassium have anything to do with the thyroid and why did the endo take me of...

Hi, I have a brother inlaw that has extreme high blood presure, I need a few theorys, Doctors have not been able to lower it. This gentleman has been prescribed and taking these medications. Losartan dot 50mg, Klor-con 20mg, Hydrochlorot 25mg, Byst...

I have hepititis c genotype 2b and I am untreated. I am always tired. I do not take walks much. I am concerned about frquent bouts of charlie horses in my calfs. I know I should walk, but I never got them like that before. Is this due to hepc or not w...

I am a 48 year-ol-female, who has unexplained blood in my urine occassionaly. I also have ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis and a host of other medical conditions. I take the following medications: Estradiol 1 mg/1 x day; Levoxyl 50mcg/ 1 x day; Asaco...

Can anyone make any sense out of this? Test Result Flag Unit RefValue ---------------------------------------------------------------------- potassium RBC SEE COMMENTS Analysis and Comments Result Units -----------------------------------------...

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