11 - 20 of 25 Posts
I have read that Johnson & Johnson baby products are bad becaue the contain the following ingredients. Dimethicone Fragrance Methylparaben Butylparaben Ethylparaben Propylparaben Isobutylparaben What does everyone use to clean and mostorize...

The rash I posted about before has cleared up but there's more coming and this time its different. Its starting out in small blotches in about 7 or 8 different places on body. These itch alot and kept me awake last night. It took all I had not to scratc...

hey every one, how are you all doing????? is any one having a problem with baby gas, my son always has gas, and he screams because of it, and then after he passes gas he relaxes, is any one having this problem, and if you are what did you do to make your ...

I originally posted something like this in the herpes section because I was diagnosed with primary oral hsv-1, but I've gotten to the point now, where I do not believe that it is. So basically it started 9-25 after my husband and I had our dinner. I fi...

Okay so to begin im not sure where i should even be posting this. so i just put rashes. When i was 16 i was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, which i dealt with ... at 20 i found a bump in my vaginal/anal area, we assumed it was GW .. so at 20 i was di...

Hi- I am not sure what is going on with my face but I am freaking out a little. For a little less than 3 weeks, i was using a Salicyclic acid toner 2% (which I have used before in the past). Then I started to use a mandelic 10% serum on my trouble areas n...

Hello everyone. I am fairly new at this. But, I am searching (in vain and getting very frustrated and at the end of my rope) for info/links to natural desiccated thyroid without a prescription. I do not have insurance nor do I have the $$ to cash pay on...

Hi Doc, I am a 34yr old white married male, who had "protected" vaginal sex with a black female escort on 7-02-10. The vaginal sex only lasted for about 1 minute. We used a latex condom and some water based lube and the condom seemed to be in perfect co...

I have an weird sticky substance in my hair that NOTHING will get rid of and it's extremely frustrating. About a month ago i noticed after i got out of the shower and blow dried my hair that the hair at the crown of my head was very oily and sticky (but O...

Months ago, I began itching in my crotch. I tried Tolnaftate, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine – no help. My skin got very red from the top of one thigh to the other and my scrotum was crimson red and burned. I tried aloe. I tried Neosporon. I tri...

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