11 - 20 of 6787 Posts
New taking Tenofovir, levothyroxine 25, esomeprazole 20mg, ursodeoxycholic acid 300mg, and vitamin b. Taking Tenofovir since last 3.5 months. Before that was talking enticavir .5 Doctor worry for alt rising.. My report . HBV DNA Date 26 ...

my sgpt & sgot level was 30 & 100 respectively on 09 jun, on 21 jun it was 28 & 173 respectively. ultrasound of abdomen was done on 11 jun which was normal. i consume alcohol once in a week/ fortnight with a previous bout of acute pancreatitis from which i...

My ast sgot is 374 and alt sgpt 126 what can cause this?

My reports are as follows, GAMMA GT 82U/L; SGPT/ALT 47; SGOT/AST 41 U/L, BILIRUBIN-TOTAL 13.0 UMOL/L; BILIRUBIN DIRECT 4.1 UMOL/L; BILIBIN- INDIRECT 8.9 UMOL/L What should I do to try normalize myself?

Dear Jim , Why my sgpt/sgot fluctuating its ranges 131/80,I am HBSAG -Reactive and HBe-Non reactive,HBab-Reactiveand VL-ND since last year.

Hi Am having High SGOT(AST),SGPT(ALT) & Thyroid SGOT (AST) - Serum => 61.9 (Ranges 5 - 40) SGPT (ALT) - Serum => 156.5 (Ranges 5 - 40) TSH - Serum => 7.67 (Ranges 0.27 - 4.20) Cholestrol / HDL Ratio - Serum...

Could I have hepitatis with ast (sgot) 45h and alt (sgot) 66h and urinalysis color Carlk yellow appearance turbid

I am suffering from abdomen pain in the left and upper left side. I had my blood test. Everything is normal other than SGPT which is 78 and also SGOT is 34(35 is the maximum limit). What could be the reason for that?? and what precautions should I take??...

patient value cut off hbsag 3191.00 1.00 reactive anti-hbs 2.490 10.00 non-reactive hbe-ag ...


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