11 - 20 of 205 Posts
I'm withdrawing from hydrocondon and took my last half Monday morning about 7:00. Made it throgh the day but stayed home yesterday from no sleep and diaarhea. Sleep never came and restleg was so bad I took some tizanidine and it helped me get some slee[ ...

Can someone tell me what Gabapentin or tizanidine is? What its used for and will it help with suboxone withdrawals? Any info would help. Thanks.

is tizanidine prescribed for arthritis?

I am experiencing a lot of pain and cold in both my feet and thighs. A lot of pain in my thighs and just can't get warm. Normally I am hot from the waist up but cold from the waist down. I am taking Levothyroxine for my Thyroid and Tizanidine for my thigh...

IMPRESSION: 1. Grade I-II anterolishesis of L5 on S1. 2. Bilateral pars interarticularis defects of L5. 3. Severe bilateral neural foraminal narrowing at L5-S1. Can youplease give me a rundown to where I might understand and is there surgery that can...

Is Zanaflex/Tizanidine addictive? It is helping me, but I don't want to get addicted to them like I am to the Norcos?

Does anyone know what helpes pinched nerve pain? I have now maxed out on 3300 mg gabapentin daily. Also using lidocane patches, tizanidine for spasms, and now 10 mg oxycodone. I had one injection in L5 disc herniation. Did not work. Now waiting till July 1...

Hello, I'm on my 4th day of 25mg of Topamax for fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis pain. In 3 more days I'll go up 25 mg more. I'm getting what seems to be the normal side effects: dizzy, unmotivated, insomnia, jelly like legs(have to walk slowly), al...

I have had back surgery which has affected my siatic never in my hip and leg I have excruciating painful spazming and throbbing and weakness n my right leg. I am currently taking 400 mg of gabapentin 3x a day along with, Metformin 500 mg 1 a day, Tripili...

How bad is it on my body to abuse zanaflex? I take 10 of the 4 mgs at once and take up to 300 a month. I just can't seem to stop.

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