11 - 20 of 46019 Posts
Should people diagnosed with fibro get a flu shot? I have always gotten one every year, as I tend to pick up a lot of colds/sinus infections because of my allergies. But now that I have full-blown fibro, I'm wondering if it's a good idea or if it will se...

I should have guessed I was pregnant when........

OK, so here is my mystery illness story please tell me what you think- October '07- Feeling very fatigued little motivation. I work from home on the computer with poor posture and a bright screen. November '07- Go to doc blood tests normal (anemia, h...

Hi About two weeks ago I made the stupid mistake of calling a escort. I'm not sure if it matters but this took place in London and the Escort originated from India. She gave me protected oral (although she used a different condom it was red and...

Do you think corticosteroids like seretide ( anti asthma) can increases hbvdna and sgpt?

i have groin pain, addo pain and pain in my back all on left side i also suffer from severe case of bile acid malabsorption, doctors think kidney stones awaiting ultra sound. im in agony. help

Two weeks exactly after my incident(vaginal exposure) I came down with swollen nodes, congested stuffy nose and head, sore throat from possible post nasal drip, sore and stiff neck.I never had a fever. It lasted for two weeks. Now a few days later on the ...

Has anyone ever vomitted dark bile? I've been vomitting a dark brown bile that tastes horrid, since yesterday morning. Along with this, is stomach pain. I have vomitted bile before when I had the flu, or was extremely hung over, but it's never been this...

im today around 6 weeks pregnant but for the last 3 days i had fever not big but not small for sure it keeps around 37.2-37.5 C and it only at night .i took allready 2 blood test first was 63 and the next one after 8 days was 2120 so i guess i pregnant for...

A few months ago, I went in for what I was told was the stomach flu (no diarrhea or vomiting, just nausea and lots of stomach pain). Afterwards I started getting a lot of heartburn in the upper center of my chest and also on the left side under my ribs, up...

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