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21 - 30 of 152 Posts
32yrs ago I came down with full blown GBS, medical tech. at that time did not know what to I was on respreator for 2 months, and then it took me 1 year to learn to reuse all my muscles. But, I never had the bottom of my feet stop hurting, burni...

I have burning pain in my feet and this device is supposed to help. I have been through the website for the "Rebuilder" and can see nothing negative, but who knows until you try it. I am tired of Neurontin, Pamelor and Cymbalta. I want to fix the proble...

I just recently got married to the love of my life and quickly after we got married my husband has become severly addicted to opiates. It started with vicodine, then norcos, then percocet, now morphine (highest perscription). He goes to work and sleeps. We...

Sorry this is going to be long, it's a complicated situation. For the past 4-5 months now, I have been suffering with chronic abdominal pain (usually lower, sometimes mid but never upper), chronic diarrhea (anywhere to 10-15x a day, also keeping me up ...

I have been taking medications for anxiety. I am on Lexapro 20mgs and was just recently put on Pamelor_(Nortriptyline). I have been having tremors when I wake up in the morning, but never really any other time of the day. I didn't have Tremors when I ...

I dont know how much longer I can take this depression. I have so much anxiety, I think from the depression. I am 37 days off of opiates. I think I am overmedicated. Isn't the medication supposed to HELP the anxiety? Not cause it!!!

I've been on Adderall for several months now. I recently was prescribed Lyrica for pain in my foot. Can these medications be taken together?

Hi, I was put on Paxil several days ago and have also been on Alprazolam (1-1.5mg a day). At the beginning it was to treat more anxiety and some mild OCD that I have, but now, I feel more depressed than anything (this has only been going on for 4 weeks,...

I have taken a low dose of Nortriptyline for several years. I tried getting off of the medication by weaning myself for several weeks. It caused stomach cramps and diarrhea, so I went back on the medication at about 2/3 of my dosage. It calmed down a tiny ...

When I saw my PM doctor last June. I emphazise that I cant take any time of antidepessant. Ten years ago, I suffered for TIA when I was on zoloft. I was told by a neurologist not to take any antidepessant. In 1999, I was given seraquol for pain. Little ...

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