21 - 30 of 123185 Posts
Sir, Good day! I suffer from bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist has been treating me with a combination of Tab. Sodium valproate 2000 mg at night [SR Tab.] & Tab. Sertraline 100 mg in morning. Could this combination cause worsening of my disease...

I am a 56 yr. old male i have diabetes, high blood pressure, cop, Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, mild acid reflux. Lately I have had problems breathing, i also get dizzy in the extreme heat when I sit or lay down I have a sharp pai...

I have not actually been given more than a hazy diagnosis. No offense intended to the professionals, but, every psychiatrist seems to hedge when I ask what my diagnosis is, or why the particular med is being prescribed and what it will do. Here's a brief h...

Hi all, I currently take 100 mg of Modafinil every morning but was advised that I could take up to 400 mg per day. The doc who prescribed mentioned one tab in the am and one in the pm but I have heard from other people who take it that they find it bett...

Hi, I would like to know what does Nurokind G cure as my father-in-law has been asked to take these pills once everyday. He does not really know as to why did the doctor prescribe him this medicine and even if he knows he hasn't told us. He regularly co...

hi...i m 25 married.i had my last period on sep 29th then i missed my period in oct n took Regestrone 5mg 6 tab for 3 days in nov but i did not get my periods after i stopped the tab n we did not had sex for 1 month starting from end of oct . wen i did my...

What is the recommended milligram for and iron pill. When your is low

I have been infected with hepatitis b since my birth(inherited from my mother).Last year I carried out some tests,the results were Hbv-dna=1070 IU/ml,sgpt=37,sgot=33,wbc=5600,platelet=152000,HB=13.1...I didn't have any problems then and now.I have been on ...

Sex - female Age - 42 . Thyroid function test - MARCH T3 - 0.869 ng/ml T4 - 8.08 ug/dl 16.690 uU/ml Was taking eltroxin 75 mg MAY T3- 0.811 ng/ml T4 - 9.43 TSH - 4.520 uU/ml Thyroup - 100 mg July T3 - 0.896 ng/ml T4 - 8...

I can't really forgive myself for hooking up with someone I met online. 2 seconds of unprotected sex got me Chlamydia. anyway.. when I noticed burning while peeing, testicle discomfort, frequent urination and yellow discharge, I rushed to the doctor immedi...

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