21 - 30 of 152307 Posts
Hello. I'm a 52 year old male and I recently had bloodwork done and the following was detected to be out of range: blood sugar - 104 amylase - 128 lipase - 83 What are possible causes of this and is this something I need to be concerned about? T...

I am a 33 yr old female. For the last few years, I have had reoccuring right upper abdominal pain. It is colicky in nature. I might have it for a few days and then not get it again for months. It is in a very small area near where my abdomen and lower ...

Could elevated amylace and lipase levels have anything to do with diverticulitis?

I was DX with Barretts 5 years ago. Two EGD's show no changes in the cells. I also have had pain and burning in my right retrosternal area and grinding pain in my back under my right scapula for years. The pain has been getting worse but CT scans are negat...

My lipase level is only 356 but am having nausea everytime I eat some back and stomace pain and headache any ideas??? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/232211'>Elevated lipase level</a>.

Hello, My Sister In Law has been in hospital for past 3 weeks(changed Hospital once), the diagnosis is pancreatitis but the lab work does not agree with this. Her Amylase is low 40's, Her Lipase is 20's. The rest of her Chems., and Heme results are norm...

I went to the emergency room for sharp pains in my lower right back, but the doctors could not find what was causing the pain. I was given blood test and my lipase test was elevated. I was given a CT scan, but my pancreas was normal. The only pain I hav...

Can you point us please where to go next? My husband (58) who is fit, very active, no diabetes, BP 120/80, cholesterol normal and all bloods in normal range (except very high lipase and at times, very high amylase). This has now been monitored over three...

During a recent trip to Mexico, I came down with 'travelers diarrhea' - fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomitting, dehydration. Upon arriving back in the states, I was readmitted to the hospital due to elevated amylase and lipase. I didn't have the severe pancr...

I am not wanting the pain ..don't get me wrong - But my GI is talking about getting the ECRP done because my Lipase continues to be high I have minimal ab pain - but am also have crohns disease so I attribute every pain to that - I have had MUCH worse ...

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