31 - 40 of 132952 Posts
I had read that BCPs can cause a vitamin b deficiency so I started taking vitamins b6 and b12 along with folic acid a few months ago. I've been taking 50 mgs of b6 this entire time (plus probably another 10 mgs that is in my prenatal vitamin). Just wonde...

Are you ladies still drinking your prenatal tablet? If so, what time do you usually take it? I'm 34+2 and I had to start taking mine at 11:00 pm since they gaved me a new pill and it makes my body feel horrible. So I sleep through it. Anyone else?

I'm 5 weeks 4 days pregnant with baby #2. I got pregnant with this one about 5 months post pregnancy. A lot of people are telling me that I need a higher dose of folic acid as my body hasn't had time to go back to normal from my last pregnancy. I started t...

Am I a horrible mom, for not talking prenatals ? I'm 15 wks pregnant!

Just curious. I am done with incivek, going on 2 weeks now. Has anyone used chlrophyll (liquid) during treatment, heard it can help with hgb. Also anyone use plant based enzymes as a digestive aid? My Dr.s good about my use of supplements but won't be in u...

interesting read... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/well/vitamin-d-and-calcium-dont-prevent-bone-fractures.html

I have Fibromyalgia, I would like to know which vitamins I should use for this desease and what would me help me get more energy. Fatigue is part of Fibro.

Quick question: How much Folic Acid are /were you all on pre-pregnancy? My family Doctor put me on 5 mg which seemed like a lot! Anyone else? Does anyone know if it's bad to get too much?

Hi . I am a 20 years old male and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 8 month ago. It is proctitis and i'm currently taking 6 tabs and 2 supps of mesalazine daily.. i want to use whey protein or amino acids tab for muscle buliding .. i have asked about i...

TTC...can anyone give me a their "cocktail" and maybe anything I should try? I've heard low dose asprin & vitamin b...anything else? Thanks!!! :)

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