31 - 40 of 330095 Posts
Ive been on oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 (percocet) needing something better 4 pain. My doc just put me on opana ER 5 mg tab. The opana doesnt seem to work. which is suppose to work better and does opana work well?

Anyone have thoughts about Celebrex for pain management? In addition to the way Hep C makes me feel, I have arthritis in my foot joints - something that was completely manageable with Advil but now that I am Advil free, looking for something that works but...

hello I'm 10w3d and I have nasal congestion and I have two days without sleep , I could take tylenol or night quil

I had my son's conference last week and they said he is not ready for kindergarten. That he should do junior kindergarten and then kindergarten. The reason being is his fine motor skills are not where they need to be and he does not know his letters well...

I go in tomorrow to start my induction process.. Im 1 cm, how soon will they give you pain medication and at how many cm can you get the epidural

I must get off Norco 10/325, as my Dr. will not prescribe anymore. I've been taking them for 10+ years, I do have pain daily from back injury and have had several spine surgeries. Please any help would b greatly appreciated.

give been having really bad Pain in my knee and my lower back is there anything I can do??

Hello, I'm wondering what are the causes of Costochondritis? is it due to an injury or an infection? What type of infections could lead to Costochondritis?

I took one tramadol and one amoxile . I was in severe pain and vomited all night . my tooth is abcest and I cannot take loratabs. what can I do for this pain until I can get the tooth fixed. and why the reaction to tramadol?

Hi, did anyone ever find out what headache/pain meds are safe if you have a compromised liver? I have Hep-c and suffer from post concussion syndrome headaches everyday for 3 years. I fell at work so the workers comp doctors that only care about not putting...

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