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Does anyone else feel really sick not long after taking prenatal vitamins im taking the boots pregnancy support and im going to have to take something else im only 4 weeks but this pregnancy is already so different from my first!

I'm 23 weeks pregnant. And I find it very hard to remember my vitamins. When I got them the doctor told me to take them on a full tummy or I'd be sorry. Problem is I still have morning sickness bad. I feel horrible like I'm neglecting the baby. But the doc...

Im 21weeks & haven't been taking my vitamins, because they make vomit, it seems as if every time I take them is the only time this happens!!

This may sound silly, but if I threw up my prenatal vitamin this morning, should I take another?

Hi ladies! I'm 7w4d with my second and right after I found out I started taking OTC prenatal vitamins. Two days ago I had to stop taking them due to extreme constipation to the point of pains in my side and nausea and headaches right after taking them. I t...

Does anyone else get sick after taking prenatal vitamins? I got some that are over the counter until to take until I can see my Dr. I take them with food, but yesterday I took them while I was eating and it made my stomach cramp until I threw them up. Toda...

Does anyone else have a problem taking their prenatal vitamins? Every time I take mine, I get sick. I literally have to take them right before I close my eyes to go to sleep.

So I have a huge issue with swallowing pills so I usually get chewable or crush regular pills. I have been taking bellybar prenatal vitamins, but for the past few weeks they've been making me sick. Any advice?

Which prenatal vitamins are best right now? I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I haven't see the doctor yet, I'm taking one a day prenatal vitamins but maybe there's something better out there

Does anyone else feel like their prenatal vitamins make them wanna puke? Especially fun is when the DHA (fish pill) gets regurgitated back up. Always nice to taste rotting fish carcass two, three, four, five.....times. :)

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