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41 - 50 of 346 Posts
I'am Pankaj from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, I have a 7 years old kid, he is suffering from Morphea, since last 4-5 years and still i am not able to find a dermatologist who is expert in Morphea , Can anyone suggest me a Morphea Doctor near by Ahmedabad. If you ha...

Hallo i was hopping that someone would know what this these dots are on my shaft and the white on the head. It has been there for 3-4 month now, its not itching or anything, but i would like to know what it is. Hope its enough. Thanks

I have been helping my husband in application of Halox Lotion on his scalp for psoriasis problem. But as soon as this lotion comes in contact with my skin it leaves my skin very dry and cut ... which leads to itching and burning ... the condition stays v...

I found that I had HepC and moderate Cirrhosis by liver biopsy in 1995. After 3th attempt, finally no virus detected since 2002. After that, I had 3 episodes of HCC, treated by RFA in 2004, Chemoembolization in 2005/2010. Last chemoembolization gave a se...

For approximately a year and a half I have had recurring eczema due to a previous course of accutane coupled with my already sensitive skin, and the harsh climate I live in. It is quite widespread accross my body including the face, chest, arms, and pubic ...

Hi all, just wondering if anyone might know what this facial rash is on my baby. He's had it since he was a month old, and is now one. The doctor and paediatrician have told me it's normal, and to eliminate things such as detergents, creams and other irrit...

I have had symmetrical rashes in my temples for about a week. They are red, itchy, burning at times and flakey. What is it?

I am 45 years old ,male,I have been recived live donner transplant for end stage liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C .Transplantation was done in Egypt 25-5-2008, I did very well for 2 months and then ler enzyme start to rise , liver biobsy revealed mi...

I am in my late 50's and haven't really ever had skin problems, except for a pimple here and there. Now I seem to have red flaky patches on my face. My forehead has always gotten red when I cried and now it is always red with some peeling and flakes. I ...

Dear Sir, My son 9yrs, 1 year pst liver transplant now has elevated IgG almost the double value from normal and also elevated Globulin but below normal Albumin. He was tested positive for ebv but afetr reduced tacrolimus dose by1 mg per day his ebv is neg...

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