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Greetings, here's my story in short: I'm 22 years old, and was diagnosed with ulnar neuritis on my left elbow august '11, with pretty minor symptoms (pinky was statically numb for a 2-3 weeks). After it passed, I had 6 months of just an odd sensa...

For the last couple of days I have been having some problems with my left hand. It started with my index finger having spasms, and then moved to in between my middle finger and pointer finger knuckle. It now is deblilitating my pinkie and ring finger and c...

my left fingers pinky mostly is numb and tingly and i dont know what it is

Hi everybody,on week 30 of tx.Last wed 9/2, I woke up and my 1/2 of right hand,pinky finger and 1/2 of my ring finger was numb. I thought I'd slept on it wrong or something. By thurs. afternoon it wasnt any better and I was afraid I might have had a stroke...

The side of my hand including the pinky and ring finger are numb. What might would you think is wrong??

my left pinky has been numb for more than 2 weeks what is the problam? what does this mean and what can i do about it if i cant afford a doctor? there is no pain just numbness

I am a 35 year old male and touring musician and for the last couple of months i have had alot of numbness in my pinky and ring finger and sometimes up the backside of my hand up to my elbow at first it was really mild ,but has got worse in the last couple...

4 nights ago, I stabbed my left palm with a paring knife, right between the pinky and ring finger. It went in pretty deep, but it stopped bleeding after applying pressure for about 15 minutes. I cleaned it up, put a band aid on it, and went to bed. Both m...

wat makes both of my hands tingle hurt real bad by the thumb and fingers

Hey everyone, I'd like to start off by saying that I am a diagnosed hypochondriac, so take that as you will. Since yesterday, however, my right hand, especially my pinky and ring finger, have been tingling, and I've been having trouble concentrating. Th...

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