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Hi my right knee is causing me a lot of problems as well as other unrelated things and I'm currently off work because it affects my job. I've had this since April this year but I did notice my right knee go red, hot and swollen in March. This resolved itse...

Recently (25-Aug) when I went to stand up I had excruciating pain in my right hip joint. Every step was agony and it felt like the impact was intense. I went to the physion who thought I may have pinched the sciatic nerve in the piriformis muscle; so he ...

I experienced it since I was a child, now I'm 22 and it's getting worst especially when I'm sitting in a car for a long period of time and when I want to straight or move it, that's the time that the pain will got worse, I can't even move my knee! but thou...

hi, i am radiologist in india, i used to work atleat 10-12 hr per day. My problem started 2 yr back as sharp pricking pain along lateral aspect of the right knee with numbness(5 to 15%) when compared to other adjacent area. After some 3 to 4 months l...

Hello, I had mri done on left knee and the report came back as below. Wondering what the below meant... if it meant both lateral ligament and lateral meniscus have tear ? Or is the tear on lateral ligament only, but not meniscus? What is usually cour...

I am in my second month of using Lantus with Humalog. At about week 2 or 3 I began experiencing sporadic rash in front of shins. Later, the itching and raised bumps appeared behing the knee at top of calves. Now I think it is appearing at left elbow. G...

Had my left knee replaced and severe pain from day one. When I lay on my right side , bend my knee 45% and try to lift it straight up , severe pain on the outside of the knee. Absolutely can not lift it. I told the doctor this after one month, he just sa...

every now and then about 3 to 9 times a day i get a very sharp stabbing buying deep pain on the back of my leg its near panty line it stops me in my tracks i have to get up or stand still it is horrible , there is nothing there , it is not in the muscle no...

Hi, I want to know if anyone can help answer my Question?. For the last 5 days I have been going to the bathroom quite alot :/ That's not so much my Question nor Problem. What im asking is when I Lay on my Tummy or on my Back and I Push Deep and Hard o...

I am a 33 year old anglo male in good general health, not over weight (bmi around 23), with mild hypertension. Living in Hawaii. I've had this rash on my shin for about a year now. Had it once previously about 3 years ago which lasted about 3-6 months an...

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