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1 - 10 of 316926 Posts
thank you for the info on Lamictal, but does anyone take Geodon? I take 40mg Geodon and Lamictal. I do feel so much better,but i was wondering more about the Geodon side effects. I feel alittle more anixous im wondering if it is the Geodon.

I have been on Geodon since January 2, 2005 and have had a HORRIFIC experience! I gained 40 pounds in six months, need to wear glasses because of my blurry vision, foggy thoughts, bad short-term memory, extreme dry mouth, body spasms, facial tics, grindin...

ive been on geodon... about a lil over a year and in the residental im in they wont give me a direct connection about stopping meds.. im also on cogentin with geodon and zoloft. so i brought it upon myself to cut cold turkey.. i have been off since sat... ...

So I'm taking 40mg of Geodon for bipolar, though no psychotic symptoms. Now I know bipolar alone should deter me from taking mushrooms, and honestly I'm sure it will. And I know mixing recreational drugs with psychatric meds is a bad idea. Nevertheess, ...

Hi, Im new here..My husband was just diagnosed with bipolar..he is 36yrs old, no family history and he has never had any problems before..He has had 2 manic episodes in the past 4 yrs...he was briefly put on meds for a few months the 1st time and this last...

i read on the geodon thats got me all messed up..he prescribed me a lager dose then i would have thought..60 mgs anight for 2 weeks then 120 mgs the same..tell me about the heart abnormalities from this geodon that a possible effect of arrhythmias..this...

tell me about ur experiences on this going to be on it this comming week..i hear good and bad on it..and 99% of the side effects are to sleepy?? can you funcshion on the geodon?? i dont want to hear the facts on this med..or i would look it up ...

I am about to ask my dr for Geodon because it is cheaper for me with my insurance. Can anyone share their experience with Geodon? Thanks, Krystal

I have been taking wellbutrin xl 300mg for 2 years now with Geodon 40mg x2 daily. Doc replaced the geodon with abilify 15mg a week ago and I have great energy. Im afraid I will gain weight rather than lose, but I am more active so I have hope I will lose...

I am new to this site and I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about mixing the medicine Lithium and Geodon? I have been taking Lithium for almost 3 years now and it has helped me so much, but I feel the effects are not as helpful as they once wer...

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