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My book "End the Addiction Now" should be here tomorrow. But I am wondering if somebody can tell me how much of the B's I should be taking. Even though they are water soluble, I do not want to take too much (somewhat ironic and poetic at the same time is...

hi everyone could you please tell me if b complex vitamins help stress and anxiety allso vitamin c im trying the natural way instead of librium the doctor gave me i would be gratefull for any advice thank you all.

An interesting read... http://www.realnatural.org/tcm-herbs-treat-liver-cirrhosis-fibrosis-and-hepatitis-b/ Cirrhosis of the liver can certainly be caused by alcohol consumption as well as pharmaceutical medications. But cirrhosis is also often the r...

After taking supplements for Vitamin D and B12 deficiency for 10 days, my Serum iron increased, ferritin decreased, blood platlets and WBC decreased compared to first blood test. Blood test was done 15 days later from first test. Is it because of B12 defic...

Wats the best formula for low. Weight babes

Hi For around the past year i have had very VERY dry lips. I have tried every lipsalve carmex vaseline ect on the market and nothing helps. In addition on the bottom right hand corner it is very red around the corner of the lip and looks like my lip is ex...

Has anyone suffered vitamin B addiction. I was taking a nerve formula for neuropathy that had only B vitamins and upon trying to cut down on the dose I suffered extreme neuropathy pain as well as general body pain. I went back to my normal dosage and the s...

hi everybody:) i was wondering if any one knows about vitamins and weight loss????,,,,,,,,,somebody told me that if you take vitamins during a diet it slows down you weight loss. Is it true?

I am looking for info on the Amino Acid Protocol. What is it? 4th day off vics and percs after 4 years. Feeling blue and having cravings. I will make it....

i have been dieting for three weeks and have currently lost 10 pounds. i jog/walk and weight lift everyday, i eat tons of protein and have cut back on carbs. i drink only water so, i have been wondering what vitamins and/or minerals should i be taking to k...

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