Search Results for "Avc"

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Guys, I tried every single method suggested here or there to cure this god damn condition without any success. The only thing that helped me is drinking one or two tablespoons of AVC with a glass of water before and after each meal. I am not suggesting a...

I recently found out I had low risk HPV (The type that causes genital warts, not cancer) from a partner who knew he had them and has never once said sorry. I dealt with this on my own, did hours and hours worth of research and started using Aldara cream. I...

Any ideas or opinions would be helpful. My hubby is active duty in the Army and I was wondering if maybe they have programs that can help. Are there any special programs for IVF financing with 0% interest (credit cards or personal loans). The cos...

Extreme itching

I have had 1 sex partner for the past 2 and a half years. A few days ago, I noticed a singular,small white bump on the outer edge of my vagina. A day or two after, I noticed the bump had become a little inflamed, with red outer-edges and a white center. I ...

Doctor, I am a 21 year old female, heterosexual, and just got out of a committed 2 and a half year relationship. 9 days ago, I had protected sex with a man. We used a condom during sex, however, I did briefly perform oral on him. Nevertheless, Symp...

I don't really know where to begin. It started several years ago with loosing my voice and didn't know why. Went to see a specialist and found out that I had irrated esophagus which was cused from acid reflux "silent" because I had not idea that it was t...

I get really bad anxiety when I go to bed, racing heart, shortness of breath, crazy dreams. I get really sleepy in a vehicle and usually that was the only time I could actually sleepy good. I have recently noticed that I am getting these same feeling while...

Although I have MVP and have had palpitations throughout most of my life, within the last several yrs they have increased in duration and frequency. I am 58 yrs old. I recently went into the ER for a particularly long period of palpitations (over severa...

My one month old son was suffering from 3mm OSTIUM SECUNDUM ASD. The consulted doctor said that it will get close automatically when the child grows, if it's not gets closed my son has to undergo for the surgery. I read some of the articles posted by ot...

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