Search Results for "Taclonex Scalp"

1 - 10 of 7046 Results
For the last year or so, I've had some pretty mean dandruff. Head and Shoulders does absolutely nothing for it. It's gotten a lot worse over the last few months, so I went to my dermatologist to get it checked out. She seemed pretty sure that I have sca...

I have been diagnosed with Guttate Psoriasis about 4 years ago, and i was getting fed up with the crappy creams my dermatologist at the time was giving me. They never worked. I would love to know if anyone has some home remedies to help the outbreak or any...

The same thing has happened to me. I am a 36 year old male and have always had great skin and no allergies since I was 7. Back in October, I became violently ill with some kind of flu. I would sweat so bad at night that my sheets were soaked and had to ...

I have been having irritaion of the scalp and it feels like somthing is moving around in my scalp. I have tried lice treatment dandruff shampoo and ointment for the past two weeks and its still there. I was wondering if it could be from the herbal supplem...

My scalp is sore and oozing a clear liquid

I have been to many Derms to obtain a difinitive diagnosis, and yet to receive one. My scalp has been tested for fungus and was negative. My entire scalp, wherever there is hair, feels like granulated sugar, and, at times, have open lesions that bleed and...

Help!!! I have been dealing with a bizarre scalp issue. I was first diagnosed with seborria dermatitis (sp.) in December. I have very thick hair. I was prescribed a shampoo "capex" that was a cortisone. After 6 months I developed what I believe is fol...

My wife Sarah for the past couple of months has been losing her hair at an alarming rate. It is to the point now where you can easliy see her scalp. It just falls out in clumps. A couple of spots are really noticable. She has been to the doctors a few ...

I have self diagnosed scalp psorisas ... And a swollen lymph node on the same side.. What are the chances this could be a lymphoma ?

I have hair loss mainly on the right side of my head but some on the left also. My scalp is very flakey and dry especially aroung the sides and back. Flakes are large and silvery. I also have a pea sized luimp behind my right ear and wonder if these ar re...

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