Search Results for "Tambocor"

1 - 10 of 48 Results
7 years ago at age of 58, female, had afib. An electro-cardioversion was successfully done and I have been in Sinus Rhythm since then. I did feel occasional "flutters" the first 2 years (2004 & 2005), but nothing since. All EKGs (nothing showed on EKGs...

This past weekend I was admitted to the hospital with afib. I was given DiltiazemCD which seemed to help. Then the cardiologist told me he wanted to try Tambocor to attemt to bring my heart into Cardioversion. He said if that didn't work, they would ne...

Ok im a 32 year old male 5'7 200 pounds. I know im overwieght and have been for many years. I have experienced PVC's for many years now but they were never Caught on an ekg or holter moniter until about 3 months ago. I experienced a spell of a fib that l...

Hi everybody. I got arrhythmia and some dysautonomia (pots symptoms). My body didn't tolerate BB because of hypotension and bradycardia. Then my cardiolog prescribed Tambocor (flecainide). been on that in 9 months, with almost good effect, but now it d...

Two years ago I started on 50mg of Tambocor for arrhythmia, but because I had about 3 more epidsodes over a year I was put up to 300mg per day. Have been absolutely fine for the the last 9 months - not one episode. I'm reasonably active. Walk a lot of golf...

I posted in June. I mentioned my ablation for PVC's in 99 was a disaster. Since then I have talked with several prominent Cardiologists, EP DRs and they all said having an ablation for PVC's is unethical. I have 10,000 25000 a day 24/7. I used to get ...

Hi, My husband has had A-Fib for about 10+ years now.He is 48 yrs old no structural or other abnormalities in the heart, no coronary artery disease , nothing abnormal but for in frequent episodes of A-Fib.He has been on betablockers only, beta + rhythmol(...

The process of going in and out of nsr continued after 1st attempt. my 2nd one is schedules in 1 month. they wont try to cardiovert me by shock due to gonin in and out of nsr. Current Attempts to cardiovert me by termporarily increasing tambocor to 150tid ...

I have had A-fib for several years and it is generally controlled by flecainide (Tambocor). I have recently started with irregular heartbeats again and have noticed an increase in bloat and belching. This was always accompanied by A-Fib in past years. When...

I do not have arrhythmia myself.... but I am really interested in the topic. In fact i am doing a research project on it , and I need some help regarding the medications that people with arrhythmia take.My question is : What would happen if you combine two...

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