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Search Results for "A P Cream"

1 - 10 of 1166901 Results
Im always craving sweets.. my new one is pumpkin pie with lots of whip cream. I have no self control over this at all , i know its not healthy at all tho. Everyone keeps telling me i have an excuse because im pregnant. But i feel bad.... Anyone else crave ...

i am 22 years old and i am not able to get my penis skin back it is tight what i can do with that..

Is it okay? I just couldn't help myself no more lol

Has anyone tried this for endometriosis? I had surgery to excise my endo a year ago and it is coming back. My doctor recommended I try this. He is having the pharmacy make it up. Any experience or thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Im 32weeks i have the worse stretch marks I hate it so I used to have the such a nice flat tummy and its ruined lol...I dont understand though. I tried everything all the different butters, creams, lotions, oils.... and still got them :/

Okay so turns out I have a yeast infection my doctor told me to use monistat 7, how do I apply this? And does it burn? Does the medication leak out when you stand up?! I am really confused lol someone please help..

i have what feels like weird cramping for what I thought was AF but that would make Af early=today is CD 25). Earlier it was painful in my back and lower abs and i put some progesterone cream on and on my abdomen (they say it helps for cramping) and put a ...

I probably sound crazy but I really want a gallon of southern blackberry cobbler ice cream in front of me right now

As those of you who have been reading some of my inquisitive posts, I'm taking progesterone cream and i feel SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!! Started using it the 22nd so in 6 days i've gone from hormonal crazy B**** with insomnia and TONS of pregnancy symptoms---with...

when using androgel where on your body do you apply it ?

1 - 10 of 19 Results
Discharge may not be normal, and could mean an infection or an STD, especially with burning, pain, itching or urinary frequency.

The first signs of HIV, called Acute Retroviral Syndrome (ARS), may feel like the flu, with body aches and a fever. It can last a up to a few weeks.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Treatment is usually for possible infection or to manage symptoms.

A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, consistency and amount. If there is a change in the discharge, an infection may be present.

STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a barrier to germs. STDs need unclothed, genital skin-to-skin contact or penetration to transmit.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. Condoms greatly reduce the chances of transmission, but do not eliminate them.

The CDC recommends that everyone test at least once, and you should test more often if you have multiple sex partners or use needles for drug use.

Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging, touching, sharing drinks or kissing? How DO you get HIV?

Genital herpes can spread through direct, unclothed, skin-to-skin contact, including oral, vaginal and anal sex.

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