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Search Results for "Fluorouracil Iv"

1 - 10 of 35823 Results
Dr said pre-cancerous skin. Fluorouracil lower lip 21 days. Much pre-cancerous skin, 2 areas with pin holes unaffected.

Has any more information been gathered on the connection of chemo's effect on the pancreas? I had breast cancer when I was 28. They gave me 6 months of chemo, no raditation. Since that time I had periods of severe abdominal pain. My Doctor at that tim...

Hello: I just had a colon resection for a stage 2a tumor in the large colon. Thank God they found nothing in the liver, lungs, or 15 lymph nodes, but they want to follow up with "adjuvant" chemo. I might need the take home "pump yourself" type of treatment...

I have been reading this forum & I'm trying to find what the FAC X6 is. I can't seem to find it. Could you please tell me what this is? It sounds like something I may want to talk to my doctor about. The less toxins put in the better. People with cance...

I will probably begin an adjuvant therapy with Folfox in 3 weeks. (port infusion). 1 day in the clinic and then two days with home infusion thru port. this will be every two weeks for 6 months. (Whew). My question is this: after the 3 day infusions and a p...

I'm a 26 years old male, and I have contracted Molluscum Contagiosum during sex (while using a condom), so it appears only on my pubic hairs area. Today I went to the dermatologist and he said it doesn't look too serious, but he decided to freeze the w...

My husband used Efudex cream (Fluorouracil 5%) on a few pre-cancerous spots on his face 2x per day, for four weeks back in March. We would like to start trying to conceive again but not sure how long we need to wait after using this cream. All product info...

My wife had her 1st chemo treament last thursday and for the last 3 days has had diareah,,is this normal? thnx

I recently had a visit to the dermatologist where a spotted a small growth near inner thigh and diagonised it with it being probably Milia. However the medicine he subscribed to me (Flonida 5% cream (Fluorouracil IP) ) seems to be listed as used with Genit...

My husband recently (late April) had a biopsy of his lower lip which had a white scaly patch from smoking and sun damage (he is a farmer and spends a lot of time outside). The report stated there was "mild epithelial dysplasia and hyperkeratosis" extending...

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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