Search Results for "Ra Hydrocortisone Plus 12"

1 - 10 of 191952 Results
I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyrioditis and I have been on a gluten free diet for a month and Hydrocrotisone for a month. Yesterday a scary symptom has developed that has me on edge; literally. My throat is very tight and I feel like I am on th...

I am 33 and was diagnosed with RA 3 years ago- I know that RA causes extreme fatigue, but I have been having increased fatigue symptoms. I also have began to have daily headaches with facial tingling and tingling to my scalp. I have had leg weakness so b...

I am a 29yo healthy female. I am suffering from severe sudden joint pain. I am going through my third episode in two years. The pain starts in my hips around my lower back the first day. The second day the joint pain reaches my knees, shoulders, elbows...

I am 33 and was diagnosed with RA 3 years ago. Lately, I have had increased fatigue, muscle weakness, jerking in my legs (more so while driving when I press the gas or brake pedal-not all the time only occasionally) the jerking also occurs at night. Afte...

I was diagnosed with secondary autoimmune adrenal insufficiency in December. I feel lousy most of the time, have chronic abdominal pain and abnormal stools, and feel best flat on my back...which doesn't work well for someone who works 12 hour shifts in a b...

Hi, thanks for your time. I went to the doctor because I thought I had enlarged lymph nodes/viral infection, but it turns out it was my thyroid, which is tender. Nurse practitioner ran TSH only, which was 1.9, but felt nodules so she sent me for an ultra...

Okay! My brain glands don't make much ACTH, as in, 0 to way below the entire normal range at all time of the day. After having fired my Mayo endo doc and still being held hostage by his decisions and not being able to get a CRH Stim test to determine WHI...

Im 25 years old and most of my life, from the time i was 12 til now, i have been told i have RA (begining as some type of juvinille arthritis). I was actually diagnosed about 3 years ago. So recently when my joints became unusually stiff and sore i assum...

My daughter has several symptoms, nausea for 8 eight months along with constant stomach aches. Leg and back joint aches plus swollen ankels. Blood work fine except ANA came back positve but no further investigations ordered?. Pediatration thinks maybe h...

Hi, does anyone have experience with these? I just started using them and for about 20 minutes after using one, I experience a burning sensation and extreme itchiness in my rectal area. It's so unbearable that I can't help but scratch it which I fear is on...

1 - 10 of 2 Results
Genital herpes can spread through direct, unclothed, skin-to-skin contact, including oral, vaginal and anal sex.

The CDC recommends that everyone test at least once, and you should test more often if you have multiple sex partners or use needles for drug use.

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