
eating disorder

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on eating disorder

Hi Everyone! I was wondering if anyone on the forums has tried using inositol as a treat...
Alright, my name's Nanai and I'm a 14 year old girl. Basically, my problem is that I'll dea...
Hi, I am 24 years old and prior to this have always been one of those skinny girls who coul...
I've had an eating disorder for a long time now. Since I was seven years old I have been bi...
I am a 20 yr old female with a history of eating disorders, first anorexia which developed ...
I am 5' 7 and 110 lbs. I would like to gain weight and start eating more. However, I can no...
i have a serious problem to me that i want fixed. i am an 18 year old male that weighs 125 ...
Hi, I have been abused by 3 men in my life during high school. All of them were signific...
I am very serious with a girl whom I have been dating about 4 months. But, I don't need an...
Dear all, I am so excited I've found this forum. My partner has eating disorders and I d...