
growth on thumb

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on growth on thumb (960924)
My son has this growth on the side of his thumb and I don't know what it is
I've had this odd little growth on the side of my thumb for a few months now, but I've neve...
My 7 yr old did a back handspring in the yard and landed badly on her right hand, bending h...
Hello i have a peas sized maye slightly wider lump that only appears when i put my arn in c...
I hope i'm in the right forum here, sorry if i'm not though. I have a problem with my left...
I developed a painful throat on swallowing over a week ago, a white ulcer (not a white spot...
I have had a growth on my buttocks where the leg meets the cheek (its actually on the cheek...
I am so curious to know if a fetus can suck their thumb as early as eight weeks? I am not s...
I have a bump on my right index finger that appears to be like a blister under the skin. It...
I have a large bump/growth underneath my clitoris, not touching it, and only on one side. I...