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any help please

Ok so I finally got caught. I am scared to death. I called in a prescription yesterday and when I went to pick it up they said it was fraud. This morning I got a call from an investigator asking me to call him back. I am so scared. I have tried to quit and never could and now it's too late. Any advice would be much appreciated!! The prescription was for norco
83 Responses
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Oh hunny I can tell you honestly I'd give anything to take back the day I began taking methadone. I quit on a low dose and te wothdrawls are
Worse than anything I've ever felt I hope you'll quit now while u still can. Cause I can promise you it's a one way street and will be hell compared to norco wothdrawls. Id rather detox off oxy fifty times over than go thru methadone wothdrawls
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2083449 tn?1381354708
First, I completely agree about the Methadone! I think it may be the worst thing that she could do! The point I'm making is that, even if she does or has made that decision, she still deserves support! Just generally! She's struggling! I think everyone deserves that! As addicts we dont always make the right decisions, nor do we listen to others advice! I simply don't believe in giving up on anyone, just because they make a decision that I don't agree with!  It's just my opinion and I don't mean to debate it with you. I just don't think you give up on someone or feel like you waste your time! It's your decision! I respect it! No problem. I think your advice is good!
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She's never been through Methadone withdrawals and anyone who has knows supporting her in the decision to become addicted to it, which is exactly what's going to happen if she continues in the program, is anything but doing her a favor.

She's literally jumping from the Hyrdocodone frying pan into the fire and supporting her in doing so is nothing more than cheering her on.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
No worries, I just feel bad that you think you are  "wasting your time"! You're not! I appreciate all advice and opinions, even if I don't agree with them! Take care!
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"If someone chooses not to take your advice, then it's their decision! I think you are taking this way to personally!"

If you read my other posts to her I made it clear that it was her decision to make and that I had nothing to lose no matter what she chooses to do.
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2211511 tn?1339658516
I agree with u completely, this women has to, and will face her own mistakes it is not anyone's business to get on here and judge this is a SUPPORT group/ forum whatever. If someone don't like it , stay off the post.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
The best thing that we can do here is to give our good advice and to give support! We do not judge here! If someone chooses not to take your advice, then it's their decision! I think you are taking this way to personally!  Allaboutcc deserves our support, not your judgement! She will make her own decision and will have to live with it! If it turns out to be a mistake, we will still try to help her and offer support! We all make bad judgements and mistakes in someone's opinion! But that is how we learn and eventually succeed! I don't give up on people, nor feel like I'm ever wasting my time! I'm sorry if you feel that way!
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"The reality is starting to hit me now."

The reality of it is that you've dug a hole for yourself and instead of doing something to crawl out of it are digging it deeper and deeper.

You're laying it on your family for starting you in the Methadone Program but it's you that needs to start taking responsibility for your actions. They didn't make you forge a script, aren't forcing you to take Methadone, and aren't going to go to jail for you or do your withdrawals for you when you do finally have to come off it.

This will be my last post to you as I feel like I'm wasting my time on you now.
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Thank u all. Today was by far the worst day. I wad by myself all day so I was very down and depressed. The reality is starting to hit me now. Please just continue praying as I am for all of you. You all are so wonderful and I don't think I could have even attempted this wo the support.  Thank u again!!!!
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WOW Buprenex, That is great advice.   Alla, thinking of you and hoping your holding it together. Stay strong and know as long as your trying and doing your best, your moving in the right direction. Love and hugs to you.
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One thing to be clear, do go too Detox so that if you get arrested or stuck in jail you will not be without care. Most Jails do nothing. You can face custody so much better if not sick as hell and without proper compassionate care. But it will detox you, I think the trauma only adds to the condition.

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I see you are talking with an Attorney already have so this might not help much. However what worries me is you called many prescriptions in and if you just admit to all of them it will be a lot of potential counts. I can not tell what the Pharmacy knows or can prove and for that matter the police as well. Most Police will lie and twist and their is nothing you can say that will help you. I have been done that road even though I was more physically addicted and then trapped as you are as an addict or not, I am very sympathetic and we can not assess your condition here but we are real concerned. I would get into Detox and the Police do not need to know where you are and hopefully your Detox will go well but as I was never told it can really take a lot longer to feel and be functional so prepare for a long time period and post acute withdrawl can be just as tough as the initial detox. So many variables. Months to years! But you need to stop as this only progresses!!!!!! I always was trying to stop and did not take them to get high. I just did not have the support or advice etc to have saved myself a lot of trouble. Early in my addiction I went to detox and they used buprenex and I left feeling fine until it wore off days later. Bingo I was now addicted to Buprenex in 7 Days time. Less my cash!! I had no idea that was why I went back into withdrawl and back on Vicodin. And Rehab and Doctors do prey on your state for Money and your success is a far distant concern be carefull. Keep trying you will learn how to beat your problem. Hopefully after initial Detox you can make decisions better and then go get booked after your attorney arranges bail etc. They may not have enough to charge you? They may need a admission or they may be able to arrest. You will need Family and Friends but I never had that so it took me much longer than it needed. There is a song that I like "its all up to you" Steve Earl. Keep trying!!! Fight!!!!
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"I know you got to be getting more high off the methadone than you ever did the Norcos!!"

Without a doubt.

You may have a tolerance to Hydrocodone but you don't to Methadone and it has a longer half-life. Give it a couple days to build up in your system and you'll be nodding if you aren't already.

I had a friend who used to get me Vicodin and had a Hydrocodone habit. He called me to say he had found a Methadone connection and was going to call me in the morning to hook up so I could buy some. His mother called me the next morning to inform me he laid back on his bed and passed out, vomited, and choked to death on it. That could be you too. What would happen to your kids then?

The guy who was staying with my Methadone connection left to get cigarettes. When he got back 15 minutes later my friend was sitting at the kitchen table dead. He had been taking Xanax along with Methadone to increase the high and just stopped breathing. I think about him every day and wish he was still here just to talk to.

If you notice, everyone who has talked about going on the Methadone program did so to get off Heroin. I had to go on Suboxone to get off Methadone. Is this really something you want to get started on? And if so, are you going to stay on it for the rest of your life? Look at what you're getting yourself into. You're having a hard time coming off Hydrocodone.  How are you going to come off Methadone, which is many times more powerful? Go on Sub?

I have nothing to lose no matter what you choose. I just hate to see you wreck your life more than you already have by making an uninformed, reckless decision, but it is your decision.

Good luck and I'll leave you to it.
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271792 tn?1334979657
Xenni---did you read the post? She already saw a lawyer.

And please do not advocate Methadone. It may have been fine for you with a long history of Heroin addiction but I, and many others, feel it is reckless to prescribe for a Norco/Vicodin/Hydrocodone habit. We don't advocate it's use here.
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Oops, and I posted in error too soon, I was saying... My arrest was horrible and scary at the time, and but my honesty and cooperation went a long way and everything turned out just fine. I it actually propelled me into starting methadone maintenance... Which I know can be controversial, and but for me with a 23 year heroin addiction,  it is a miracle program. The all I can say is please call the investigator back because avoiding it will make it worse. I if you cannot afford legal representation, and call your county's legal aid hot line. If you can't find the number, call your  county Courthouse and ask for it. I you can get representation thru legal aid if you qualify, and but at the very least, the you can get legal advice about your current situation. The good luck
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Yes, this is very sad...

Who recommended methadone to you??   It's a very bad idea, I'm sorry...
It means nothing to a Judge and, to most people, it does not mean you're getting clean and sober. Do you know much about methadone? That it's an opiate? The withdrawals are terrible? Mostly, people go on methadone to stay out of legal trouble like stealing and forging rx's . Other than that, it's just a legal high.  

You need serious help because you cannot help yourself. I'm saying this as a friend: you need in patient treatment. Your daughter is safe with your Mom and you can get another job,right? You need to be very honest with yourself, first of all...then you need to take some action. What do you do for work? There are things like a FMLA and others where you can take a leave with permission. Addiction is considered a medical illness.

Think it all over and re read what everyone has written to you. This is some of the best advice from some of the smartest people you will ever know...
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271792 tn?1334979657
I am so sorry to hear you chose Methadone. I wish you the best. This is such a sad story.
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481056 tn?1240138727
You should call before he comes to your house with your kids there. That to me would be worse!
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I was arrested for the first time last year for heroin possession after an off/on (mostly on) 23 year addiction. Since it was my first time in trouble I was offered an AMD (accelerated mistameanor deposition) with 18 community service hours and a fine. I didn't lose my kids and my record was expunged 4 months after my arrest.. I had enough heroin on me to be charged with intent to distribute and I was caught in a swing set up specifically for me. I what I did right was cooperated with the authorities. I was honest about my addiction and my attempts to get clean over the years.  don't assume tg
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495284 tn?1333894042
You are replacing one addiction for another.  I hope you get this figured out and decide to face all those demons you are running from.
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3122379 tn?1342379185
Methadone is not the answer.  Just as hangetsu said:  You will rue the day. Take it from our experiences.  Methadone is not for kicking Hydrocodone.  I took methadone for HEROIN!  I know you got to be getting more high off the methadone than you ever did the Norcos!!  You are so close to being clean.  I'm sorry for being so blunt..but this must be said.  Methadone is not your answer.  In fact.  It's the worst thing you can do.
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"Today was day two of the methadone clinic. I have to say I feel better I just DO NOT want to replace my addiction with another."

That's exactly what you're doing. Methadone Maintenance is a long term proposition and if you think you've gone though hell going through Narco withdrawals you've yet to meet the devil. Methadone was my DOC but the WD's are the worst I've ever been through. It's your life and you've got to live it but you're making a huge mistake IMO.

The judge isn't going to look at it as you being in treatment either, only see you as another junkie in the Methadone program. You're not doing yourself a favor in any sense by going on the program.

You'd be much better off dropping out now while it's done the job of getting you over the first couple days of Narco WD and seeking a real treatment program that will accept you, even if it take weeks to get in.

It's up to you, but if you stay in the program and become addicted to Methadone you'll rue the day you did, mark my words.
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You are all right. Ballgame u most of all. She was/is very mad sad confused.  Apparently my brother and step dad have been trying to tell her for awhile and she was/is in denial. Things are a little better now. By no means good. But she's talking to me and letting me take care of my son.
Today was day two of the methadone clinic. I have to say I feel better I just DO NOT want to replace my addiction with another. But I am taking baby steps. We will see. Thank u all so very much for the support and prayers. I have a long long road ahead but I am so over this so I know I will beat this crazy addiction....
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I think what good comes of being at her moms is child care!  You're mom might not have been nice what she said but she does have the right to say it.  She is the one who has to pick up the slack (child care).
You have been committing fraud for months not to mention you almost got caught. You have a child and that's your moms point.  You are lucky believe it or not.  If you were writing your own scripts for 30-40 a day it was only a matter of time.  You need help. We all need help.  It's what you do right now that defines you.  I don't judge you, I've done stupid stuff and I fully understand the feeling of needing pills. Oh boy do I!!!
But it's what you do now that matters. You have a real chance to literally change your life.
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