1839773 tn?1330043953

THINK you have endo?...what are your symptoms?

Just wondering the different symptoms we're experiencing.

I havn't been diagnosed with endo...or anything for that matter!

Lets compare notes, here are my symptoms....

left pelvic pain for about 14 mos
right pelvic pain intermittenly for the past 2 mos (sometimes with left pelvic pain)
CONSTANT pelvic pain
back pain that sometimes wraps along my left side
nausea...everyday...all day for the past 2 mos
irregular periods for the past 3 mos (maybe before? i'm not sure because I didn't have a period secondary to nursing)
oh yeah..FATIGUE! how'd I forget that?!

But like I said, no diagnosis yet, I see my gyn tomorrow for my 2nd abdomenal/transvaginal ultrasound results and to discuss exploratory laparoscopy option...
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I did work last evening! As far as preparing for surgery I did buy some comfy clothes to wear home that day and I have been taking daily stool softners with a stimulant in it to kind of empty myself before the lap. I also had to file fmla just in case I need off longer than the 5 days she is giving me! But I am also in school full time ( I graduate in decemeber) so in the two days I have off before surgery I am finishing this weeks homework plus doing next weeks bc I know I won't be able to do it next week as well as getting the house cleaned and laundry caught up! Yes I will create a thread about my recovery! Lol once I'm not drugged
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1839773 tn?1330043953
you must be at work huh? LOL! that's how I felt I actually had a almost pain free day on Mon, then Tues it was back to the drawing board!

Will you make a thread to post your recovery?...I hope so.  What day is your lap? what have you done to prepare? (comfy clothes/fibrous foods/etc...)
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Hi - Im so glad that you are getting your lap done. Its not that far away. I am having mine done next week. I am so scared that will not find anything. But I am also scared that they will find something. Double edged sword I guess cause I do want to know. Oh well.... My pain is getting better or so I thought but tonight I sure hurt!
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1839773 tn?1330043953
I'm so late seeing your post! My apologies!! Wow, you got that done quickly! Please keep us up to date on your progress...
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1839773 tn?1330043953
So my ex-lap is scheduled for 11/28 :( .....as we know I was hoping for something sooner but I can be patient. I could have gotten it done sooner but it would be with a different Dr n I prefer to stay with my old guy! So until then:

Dear Pain,
Although I can always depend on you to be by my side YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND!! You cause me anguish, grief, exhaustion, anxiety, etc etc....  I will not allow this relationship to continue.

I've been seeing someone on the side, his name is Faith Hope. I know its a prissy kind of feminine name but he is anything but. I've put most of my eggs in his basket, the others are stragglers that have fallen, but one day they too will meet their clan.

So you see Pain, old buddy old pal, you will no longer consume me. Even if this laparoscopy is only the beginning of the end of our life together, YOU WILL NOT CONSUME ME!!

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I had left side pelvic pain for almost a year, nausea, lost almost 40 lbs, burning pain in rectal area (deep core almost) but periods were nothing special.  Multiple tests, scans and specialist, until a friend got me into a gyn that said he would do a lap in 8 days.  Turns out, IBS, moderate endo with much scarring, totally inflamed abdomen on inside, hernia and 3 cm absess on posterior vagina.  Had a total abdominal hyst with ovaries removed 2 weeks after the lap.  It has only been 4 1/2 weeks, but there is some improvement in my overall health since the 2 surgeries.  Hang in there and try to find a surgeon you are comfortable with!
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