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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in December 10, 2023

Good morning.  Yes, it's still morning and a beautiful one, at that!!   So, how is everyone doing today?  I hope you're into a great weekend.  

Like most of my weeks, this past one has been pretty busy.  The first part of the week (and the week prior) were spend getting ready for a Calligraphy guild Study Group I hosted on Wednesday.  It sounds pretty easy and I guess it is, but of course, I had tons of cleaning I needed to get done before I could have a group of ladies come for anything!!  No, the house wasn't "dirty", but I'm not a meticulous housekeeper on a day to day basis, so when we're having people over, I do have to "spruce" up a bit.  In addition to "extra" stuff, there's the usual dusting and doing floors that I might not do as often as I should??  And when there's company coming, I always do an extra good job!!  

On top of the cleaning, there was food to prepare.  Although we don't have a regular meal for our Study Groups, we do have substantial snacks, so I made 2 kinds of cookies, plus rolls for sandwiches, prepped and plated meat, cheese, veggies, etc.  It all takes time.  

Anyway, the Study Group turned out very well and everyone had a good time, so it was well worth my effort.  Along with that, I was preparing for a calligraphy class that we were having on Zoom yesterday and for which I was the tech-host.  That meant setting up the link for the class, plus a practice session with the instructor, along with tons of e-mails back and forth, mixed in with my cleaning/prep for the Study Group.  The class went well, yesterday, also, which was a relief.

Needless to say, I was definitely happy to see yesterday afternoon roll around, bringing the end of the class, even though it was a good one, so my "duties" were over and I could relax a bit.  

On Thursday of last week, they did progress testing at the PT session for my hand.  The strength in my left hand is back to what it should be and is as good as my right hand now.  Tuesday, I was released from PT with a home program, which consists of some exercises and instructions to use my stress ball to keep the strength in my hands.  Friday, I had an appointment with my hand specialist.  Since I was released from PT, I was also released from the hand specialist with instructions to call as needed.  I can get injections in my hands every 3 months to control the  arthritis, and though the injections are VERY painful, it's worth a few hours of pain because they work!!  

So I'm dropped off the PT and the hand specialist - yay me!!  The next thing I need to do is call the gastroenterologist to set up a colonoscopy.   I had a polyp that was removed, grew back and removed a second time - it's time to make sure it hasn't returned.  Uggggh!!  

So that's my week and in the process, my weight is hanging right in there.  Yesterday, I was up a pound, but that had to be fluid, because today, I'm back down to where I was last week.  For the past 5 weeks, I've been within a tenth of a pound of the same weight.  I'd really like to be going down, since I'm still walking most days and have been getting a lot of other exercise, but, at least I'm not going up!!  

How are you doing?  It's getting close to Christmas/ Holidays and a lot of people have multiple parties to go to.  Gratefully, we don't so I don't have to worry about preparing not to overeat at them, but I hope those who do have figured out how they're going to avoid overeating and/or gaining extra weight that will need to come off after the New Year.  

I look forward to hearing how your week has gone and how you might be planning to deal with those parties and all the tempting food.  

~~ Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
I'm down about .4 lbs. from last week. This is normal, I've gone up and down (very small) amounts in the last few weeks. But except for a surprising (and for me, notable) one-week 3-pound drop a month ago, it hasn't amounted to a lot of overall change.

Thanks to that drop I'm lower today than my "worry range," but it would be nice to drop about 4 or 5 pounds more overall, or just to lose the tummy! Given the holiday, that will be a challenge. My sisters have prevailed upon me to host a "cookie bake" on the 23rd, unfortunately one day before a weigh-in day. I'll have to eat mostly salads the week before. lol

Since it's been at least three months of regular Pilates for me, I also am wondering if I'm getting more compact but staying about the same weight. I didn't take inch measurements at the beginning, which seems kind of a shame now. But it seems like my clothes fit a little better -- maybe it isn't too early to have muscle results. Mostly I do it to keep up my strength and do good things for my heart, but if it also makes me more "defined," who would grouse about that!

December events have been coming at us on an "as needed to attend to" basis, like the neighborhood potluck last week, or our son needing an ugly Christmas sweater to wear to school one day next week. It's been so random that I finally just pulled out a piece of notebook paper and hand drew a calendar for all the things floating around that either my husband or I knew are coming. We were at a restaurant and the water glass had sweated, so the paper is hilarious looking -- crinkly where it got wet, and scribbled, erased, re-written. But at least I know now that my sister-in-law's holiday dinner is before my son's passport appointment but after the deadline to take back some shoes, and that we have to bring the dessert to the party. I think the only reason I even knew it was December is that school ends on the 15th. My son looked at the crinkly sheet and said, "Mom, have you ever thought of using Google calendar?" Yeah, good idea, some day.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Helpful - 0
I think your up/down in small increments is a normal fluctuation that would depend on what, when, how much you ate in relation to when you stepped on the scale.  It's totally normal to have some fluctuation.  It might even have to do with how your feet are placed on the scale or how much weight you put on each foot...  That's why I don't get upset with my 1-2 pound fluctuations because I retain so much fluid in my feet/legs if I "gain" a couple of pounds over the course of a day and I know I didn't eat 3500-7000 calories, I know I couldn't have gained 1-2 pounds, so at least part of it has to be fluid retention.

It's awesome that you're < your "worry range" - I'd love to even be within that range!!  lol   Well, for the cookie bake, I'd have plenty of raw veggies and maybe some fresh fruit to snack on while the cookies were "in progress" so I wouldn't over-indulge when they were done.   I'd also plan a salad lunch during the process to help prevent eating too many cookies - but I have blood glucose issues and if I eat too many cookies without things to balance it all, I get weak and shaky - not fun!!

If your clothes are fitting differently after 3 months of Pilates, you probably are building muscle, which is denser than fat.  Even though you're not losing weight, you could be losing fat and gaining muscle.  Although you can't "spot reduce" there are exercises that can tone the muscles in you stomach, to make it look flatter.   It sounds like you're doing great with the Pilates.  

That's funny - yeah - Googl;e calendars is easy and quick, but for some reason, it keeps me messed up.  Maybe because I'm really a "paper and pencil" gal?  Not to mention that I have to keep 2 calendars - one for me and one for husband, then consolidate them once/month... I'm with you, though - I've found that most pieces of paper will serve as a calendar, even if it's a bit crinkled... still have it in writing.  :-)

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