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1 - 10 of 146 Posts
Hello! Which sleeping pill is stronger, Belsomra or Rozerem? I take 2 tablets of Belsomra at night for 20 mg plus 2 tablets of Donormil. Should I try Rozerem?

Has anyone tried taking rozerem to help sleep when tapering? I tried Abien a few years ago and it wired me all night. Last night, I took ,1 clonidine and 2 soma and I just knew that would put me to sleep and all it did was give me a big buzz and i was wi...

My 6 1/2 year old girl has quite a patch of longer, darker axillary hair. Doesn't have pubic hair or breast development... She has always been tall for her age--but both parents are too (5'10" & 6'3"). I didn't really link this until reading up a bit, bu...

My sleep don't induce at night but feel sleepy at day time thus disturbing my working days.I want to start with Rozerem for inducing sleep.I wish to take this medication for a month or two and discontinue and get my sleep naturally as usual.Can the sleep d...

Is it bad to sleep on your left arm? I've heard that your left arm is linked to your heart, so I wanted to see if it is bad to sleep on your left arm. Thanks and Please help me!

I have tried taking melatonin time release. I have took 2 5mg at night with no help. I want something safe that I will only be taking for 5-7 days at night so I can sleep with the withdrawals. I have learned that Lunesta is not a good option due to the ...

I'm pretty restless right now. can't sleep. Tried Chamomile. Doesn't help Is there something safe that works? I'm pretty sure it's a side effect from the welbutrin I'm on.

How effective is Zopiclone as a sleeping aid?Is it effective?.How does it compare to Ambien and others

I have been on sleeping pills since sept when I had not been sleeping properly for a very long time ( pre diagnosis ) I then went hypomanic on antidepressents and came off the AD quickly but continued to take the sleeping pills, I then went into a mixed st...

I have chronic insomnia amid anxiety disorder. Can I use Rozerem at a dosage of 16 mg if 8 mg will not help?

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