1 - 10 of 10606 Posts
I am a recovering alcoholic, can i take vicodin for back pain?

can i become addicted to vicodin, if i take it for back pain?

My doctor prescribed me vicodin for my migraines... has anyone else been prescribed vicodin while pregnant??

I have severe back pain and my doctor has given me vicodin. She said it was safe to take while pregnant. Have any of you taken it while pregnant?

How can a positive result for Vicodin be positive when I know I have not taken it?

I have been taking two 7.5 / 325 pills a day for nine months regarding wrist pains... If I stop taking these will I experience any types of withdrawals... Or is my daily dosage low enough that I should be able to stop with out ills...

I am currently taking vicodin 7.5 750 Mg for torn muscles in my shoulder. I usually take one or two or occasionally three tablets through the day. It says on the bottle may cause drowsiness but they seem to have the opposite effect on me they make me hyp...

I too have been addicted to vicodin for the past two years. i am weeks away from having my second child, the ob said it was okay to use but never really said how many. My ob said the baby shouldnt be born with any addiction that it is very very rare and th...

I've read on multiple sites that it's ok to take while pregnant.. Have any of you heard otherwise?

so my head was hurting really bad at work and i didnt have my medicine so my friend gave me a tylenol.. well i started to feel weird and she realized she gave me a vicodin!! im almost 33 weeks my question is will that show up when my baby is born like will...

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