11 - 20 of 54 Posts
I m 30 years old women. I m too much thin. My weight is 45 kg. I want to maintain myself. Due to my physic, I feel complex in many situations. I want to gain weight. Please tell me any solution for the same if anyone have.........

since I've read this I found that I am not alone, I have a Neurological illness called Neurosarcoidosis and it has damaged my nervous system. Every time I take a shower I have such pain and itching all over my body, for years I thought it was soap I am a...

My pomeranian dog is not eating for more than two weeks. Two weeks earlier it was continuously vomiting, and i found some worms in it. Our local doctors said it just stomach problem and they gave B Complex,Liver Extract With Vitamin B12 Injection and Betne...

Hey, I'm just looking for advice and to see if anyone else is going through what i am. I was Diagnosed with chronic Cholinergic Urticaria. I cant exercise, i cant even go outside in the winter, i break out in hives every single day and every time i do, m...

Recently, I had a very bad sinus infection and since then.. I have been getting rashes anytime i hold a bottle thats recently come from my fridge. Today i tested it to see if that was it and i placed a bottle of water from the fridge on my arm and sure eno...

Im a female just turned 18, since July I started getting real bad abdominal pains. I went to a gastroenterologist and hes done test after test after test, they couldn't find anything wrong. Couple of weeks later they did an endoscopy and found gastritis. T...

I have got a problem. My finger and toe tips get very itchy every winter. This happens whenever I get them wet or when it gets extremly cold. What could be the problem? Please help.

Our eighteenth month old daughter has been going through her fair share of medical problems. They've found duodenum ulcers, and now her gastrin levels are 200 points higher than the normal high. At our request and her numerous amounts of specialists and do...

My 16 year old daughter has been experiencing weight gain (30 lb), sluggishness (she sometimes just falls asleep in the evening for three hours--which is unlike her), cold hands and feet, severe constipation, worsened acne, irregular periods, and lots of f...

My Yellow lab is 6 months old. She is very lethargic and wont eat hardly any food. She had kennel cough about 20 days ago and finished her medicine for it. She also had coccidiosis. She finished her medicine for that also. She is sicker in the morning and ...

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