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21 - 30 of 1698 Posts
So, this all started with a yeast infection. I had some pretty typical symptoms, went to the doc, who diagnosed by my description of symptoms. Did a urine test for STDs (chlamydia, gonnehrea) all negative. He prescribed Diflucan and gave me 2 pills. I ...

Hi! I really need help with this one....i'm 13 weeks pregnant and 2 weeks ago i developed a yeast infection caused by an antibiotic porescribed by my Ob/Gyn. I went straight to him and he prescribed me with Monistat....a week passed..finished the treatment...

Okay I've had yellow discahrge and burning since last July. I've been tested for STI's all were negative. Well last Friday my girlfriend took me to the hospital because of the burning and the pain the hospital tested for trich yeast gonherra and chlymidia....

I'm 27 and have been experiencing severe vaginal burning and dryness for 4 months. I went to urgent care for treatment and was given diflucan and it didnt put a dent in it, so I went back. I was given more diflucan and it didnt do anything. I waited to see...

I periodically have serious yeast problems that must be treated with drugs. I am unable to eat much fruit or vegetables with high sugar content. I am currently being treated with Diflucan and Cipro for an existing yeast problem. I am taking Diflucan for...

Hi, I am a healthy 24-year-old male. My urologist believes I contracted a fungal infection of the penis by receiving unprotected oral from a male partner. I also performed unprotected oral on HIM. I also performed insertive anal with a condom. I made the m...

Major pain. Went to urgent care diagnosed with a UTI. Dr gave Cipro, diflucan and AZO. After 3 days they called to say my culture results showed Cipro wasn't the correct meds. Micro bid was the new med. I've had lower abdomen pain since off and on. I...

omg i have a yeast infection and its so bothersome!! is this normal with pregnancy and can it harm the baby

I read a old post that Jackie has had bad problems with yeast in the past. I was hoping she or anyone else would give me some insight on this. I have had it in my mouth for 6 months. My GP is the only doctor that has tried anything to help me. I have ta...

Can I use Premarin cream along with a yeast medication(Diflucan)? Does the moisture in the Premarin cream keep a yeast infection from healing?

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