will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
21 - 30 of 194125 Posts
Good morning guys, Today is my final day of combo treatment, then i'm left to my own devices (namely my antibodies!).... First things first i had a blood test a week ago and my stats showed my ALT at 17.... which is great. The only problem was my DNA le...

I need to know I got up jogged up two flights of stairs and back Down to check my bloodpressure and see what it is with exertion. It was 176/99 is this danger zone and not ok to exercise with? I'm 22 years old male, normal weight, don't smoke or drink I ea...

Daily Headaches what type of medical tests do I need to take. Had a CT Scan and MRI Brain Lesions was found but still have daily headaches after Multiple Sclerosis was diagnoised. What test should be done so I can find out why have constant daily headaches...

Hi , I'm 16 and I'm an elite gymnast. I weigh 37 and put on 3kg and I have tried so hard to lose it but I can't! What can I do ?? I need to lose it fast. And no hate please I'm also really short 142cm. Would it be possible to loose 2kg in a week? If so h...

What is going on with us??? At least 3 times each night we both wake up (alternating times) not being able to breath, choking and gasping for air. We do produce some clear sticky mucus sometimes. Our airways are closing up while sleeping (inclined mind yo...

Doctor diagnosed me with Obsessive compulsion disorder and depression. Along with this I had thyroid disorder also and taking 100 mcg thyronom daily. My depression is since I was 20 years old , it can be say 20 year old depression . I have been on medicin...

-1 Hopeless, worthless, sad, hazy, confused, suicide. The only reason I haven't is because I have a friend making sure I don't. I tried to tell my Mom I had to call the "hotline" twice this week and she said, "Thats great... So what now... So now we ...

I would like some input from anyone on daily Infergen. I am contemplating this tx. and at the same time have been offerred an excellent job.I only work weekends at this time and the new job would be 5 days a week. I do not want to commit to a new more dem...

I wake up every morning with a migraine/headache. The pain is generally in my neck and forehead. I have gone to my doctor about it and she keeps prescribing me different medications, which have not worked at all. I also went for a CT Scan of the brain a...

hi, I have headaches on the right side of my temple. I have gone to the Doctor several times and seen a Neurologist who taken to MRA and found that I have more fluid on the brain then most people my age, but says that this is not what is causing my headach...

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