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How can i make my legs slimer becuase they are really big

I started having pain in my right armpit in the extra breast tissue area. When I noticed the soreness I felt around and realized I could feel a sizable lump. There was no redness or itching and no fever so I didn't do anything about it for a couple days. I...

Im a 15 yr old male. Back in the middle of May i discovered i had a small hard mass in my left breast. Then a few weeks later i found out there were 2 hard masses( one in each breast). They grew fast and were about .5 cm in diameter, in a matter of 3 weeks...

Today I had noticed that our Golden Retriver was limping on his back right leg, we know that he is older and felt that since the temps outide were in the single digits, his hips must be bothering him. Tonight I was noticing that he was having not only a di...

Hi everyone, I'm an 18 year old with five supposed fibroadenomas. I had two removed last year, one around 4cm and the other about 3cm, and now three more have popped up within a year and a half of my initial ultrasound. Does anyone know why I continent to ...

Hello Can anyone tell me if I have fibromyalgia? My doctor says I do but I really want to be sure. I have lower back pain for 20yrs facet joint apparently, thoracic pain with wear and tear with bone spurs,shoulder arthritis and suspected cervical spondylo...

There is a rather large lump under my left nipple which is hurting a lot , what can this be ? shud i be worried about cancer ??

Hello, I have recently been diagnosed with MS and trying to understand why certain things are happening. I have painful "lumps" on my legs that start out colorless and eventually become reddish in color. Because I am new to MS and only been on meds for 12 ...

My daughter has been diagnosed with Erythema Nodosum, she has the classic symptoms of lumps in her legs from the knee down. They swell, feel of fever and are painful and leave buising on her legs. She is in Grad School and it is very hard on her to walk,...

During pregnancy does u guys hand gets numb or feels fat ? My right hand only feels that way . is this normal ?

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