21 - 30 of 36177 Posts
So I've read on here that a person taking PEP should test after 3 months of being off PEP to obtain a conclusive result. I took minocycline for 4 months after possible exposure. Then got tested 3 and a half weeks later (around 5 months). Negative result. T...

Hi Doctor, I have asked a question along a similar vein before. I asked a few months ago about possible rectal STD exposure. The question I posed was should I be overly concerned about getting rectally tested for STDs if I have had only one instance of ...

I have acne all over the back of my head and on my back it hurts to touch in some spots and to dry my hair. My doctor put me on minocycline 100mg per day I took it for a month and it kind of cleared up but towards the end of the month it started to come ...

Hi. I have been on minocycline since I was 21 (now 29) for acne. I recently went to a new family practice Dr. While I was there he noticed I was on mino and asked how long I'd been taking it. I told him my acne treatment history. He pointed out that m...

I was taking 1800 mgs a day of Trileptal in my first 5 weeks of pregnancy. Minocycline 100 mgs . Should I be concerned that there are abnormalities or did I possibly quick the medication in time?

recently there have been advertisements that claim high power laser treatment to "regenerate the nerves in the legs to reduce pain and get sensation back. They are promoted by a few chiropractic offices in Northern California. Has anybody heard of thi...

This was in the news today. A clinical trial led by doctors Luanne Metz and Wee Yong shows the common acne medicine minocycline can slow the process of MS in people who have experienced initial symptoms of the debilitating autoimmune disease. The clinical...

I was taking minocycline for about a month. I went to my Obgyn and found out I was 7 weeks pregnant. Could being on minocycline for a month when I was 7 weeks pregnant affected my baby?

hi Doctor. I took a hiv test yesterday and i im currently on medication to treat a rash on my body. The name of this medication i am on is Minodene (50mg) and it contains a substance called Minocycline. It says it is used for sexually transmitted infection...

Background Age-22 Male Symptom onset- June, 2014: Attack began resulting in vomiting (not out of stomach pain, but out of the sensations) Felt as if needed to go to hospital, but shook it off. Continued happening and has not ceased. No symptoms p...

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