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31 - 40 of 953 Posts
hi there i have severe head aches often (everyday) an my doctoer has perscribed me amitriptyline tablets but when i looked it up an no one has said its for headaches can any one help

I am taking 15 mg. elavil (very low dose) for depression and nerve pain. I just started two weeks ago. I think it has been causing some problems with my asthma and it says don't use albuterol inhaler. Has anyone switched from Elavil(or any tricyclic) to...

My husband suffers from Epilepsy due to a gunshot wound to the back of his head, he started having seizures almost innediately after. He was prescribed Dylantin which was switched to Keppra. His neurologist recently added Trileptal to balance his levels be...

I've been taking 75 mg of Elavil to prevent headaches since early 2003. Over the last month I've been weened off of it. I had gone off of it once before, so for the most part knew what to expect. I'm having all the typical withdrawal symptoms, dizziness, h...

Hello Folks ,I am here to ask for some helpful information for my Mother .She is having a very tuff time nowadays and i cannot understand why. Mom took Elavil 50mg. each night and a half of a darvon to help her rest for 45 years .and was doing fine! ,,unti...

Hi everyone. I haven't posted for quite awhile. I have been off of sub for 5 mos. now. But, my problem is,my sleep, i am depressed and some anxiety. My anti depressant is getting me nowhere, even with changes. My question is, I had lunch the other da...

Hi, I was prescribed gabapentin. Gained 10 pounds. Ive looked into Lyrica, seems like weight gain is also a side effect. Is anyone on a good med with minimal side effects? I dont mean to sound vein. Ive recently lost weight. Now gained back from medication...

7 weeks and counting...The visual 'aura' started a week before the episode (loss of peripheral vision, numbness traveling on the right side, loss of speech). After a trip to the ER (CT, MRI, carotid artery scan, echocardiogram, bloodwork). I was dx'd wit...

hI I have recently been diagnosed with a neuropathic pain after a rabies vaccination adverse reaction and have been prescribed amytriptiline (elavil) 20mg. I have taken it for a week but I am still getting the pain. Is amytriptiline supposed to cure the...

Hey all. I was recently prescribed Amitriptyline for help me sleep at night but I wanted some more information about it. I know I can research online but I get better answers from all of you. You make the answers make sense. LOL! I want to know if this is...

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