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31 - 40 of 951 Posts
Is there any way to add MS symptoms that aren't on your list? For example, one of my worst ones is itching, so I'd like to add it. Thanks!

I am 22 years old and I've been having these weird heart beats or fluttering it happens every other day or sometimes once a week. I also suffer from migraine and I've been taking inderal 10mg pills for 3 months now and I haven't been sleeping well. for th...

I have been having severe migraines for the past year and a half. I've been on 3 different medications including, inderal 10 milligrams which stopped working, inderal 25 milligrams which caused me to black out and get dizzy, and amitriptyline 25 milligrams...

On January 18, 2011, my doctor put me on Inderal LA 60 mg because a stupid doctor upped my thyroid medicine too much and my heart rate and BP went off the chart. I have not taken any thyroid hormone since January 18th. While the Inderal has helped lower ...

I started taking Inderal yesterday, and have taken 2 so far. The thing is, my PVC's are worse! By alot. I don't know whether to stop taking them. My Cardiologist hasn't called me back, and I've called twice. Magnesium sometime helps them, and a couple w...

MY son is getting very frustrated that he is unable to run even at a slow pace without going into atrial fib. Dr. prescribed Inderal prn for A-fib without conversion on it's own. Sometimes my son takes it because his HR is 150 for 30minutes after a run and...

I am a 47yo female, I had doppler ultrasound of carotid artery, found <50% artery thickening, no plaque found, cholesterol 161, HDL 53. Also have MVP with moderate regurgitation and hypothyroidism. Exercise very regularly, non smoker, occasional glass of...

I have had SVT for a little over two years now. Been hospitalized twice, last time in 7/09 and had an ablation about two years ago. Since my last hospitalization I have been taking Metoprolol 75 mg twice daily. I have not had any episodes since regulalrly ...

i have this condition called fibromyalia .. and i was put on lyrica started off one at night and then incresed to 2, one in the moring and at night was getting very bad chest pain .. so then i was on just one at night so i had to stop tonight all toghether...

I went to the doc yesterday and talked to him because I have been having headaches all the time and tylenol just wasn't helping..he put me on inderal to take every 6 hours and then gave me fioricet to take when the headaches got really bad but he said not ...

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