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31 - 40 of 1194386 Posts
i had rib eye steak for dinner and around 2 am i got strong mid chest dull pain and it is lasting now for more than an hour. I had a lot of water and tea but the pain is not going away. is this the symptoms of a heart attack?

Hi i'm a 20 year old male and over the past 7 or 8 weeks i have been suffering from pains around the left brest area, left armpit on the inside around the hollow part and occasionally down my left arm. Ive been to A&E twice and have had heart tests, chest ...

I am 43 years old and for the past three years I have been getting these pains in my chest just under my breast down to about my belly button with backache pains from about the shoulder blades down to lower back. They come at random times, normally I woul...

Hi! I've always belched alot, and can't eat certain foods due to gas pains. However, two nights in a row after dinner I had severe chest pains, followed by enormous amounts of gas. I haven't got this during the day, but I don't each much during the da...

I'm 18, not a smoker although i have in the past. I have acid reflux daily, i had asthma when i was younger but i mostly grew out of it. I have had many bouts with pneumonia and bronchitis. I also have anxiety issues. now, I have back pain between the shou...

Hi Doctor, I am a 49 year old female and am having strange things happening inside me. I realize women get different symptoms of heart disease than Men so my mind is questioning what's going on. Heart Disease runs in my family, along with anxiety and asth...

I just had severe chest pain that lasted approx. 2 minutes. I could't talk or move because the pain was so severe. Unfortunately, this is not the first time its happened. About 6 months ago, it was happening like every 4 days. All these times were the same...

I've been having constant pain in my chest in th middle and right side. It is not sharp but an aching pain. Wondering what could cause this? I've had inflamed pecks in the past and this is not the same pain. I am a 30 year old woman of mixed race.

Hi. I've been having progressively worsening breathing and throat issues for 3 months now. Basically, my whole body is in disarray, but it's my throat and sternum area that bother me the most, plus my breathing is horrible. My throat feels very tight an...

I have acid- reflex and now I have chest pain ewhen I swallow. What are the causes This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/233928'>Clicks when I swallow/Chest pain</a>.

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