31 - 40 of 1187395 Posts
Been having this pain since young(about10 years old& yeah 2015[21yrs old]. The feeling is very different from muscle aches cause I do gym and I know the differents.muclesaches won't hurt when I don't move an inch, this pain hurts even when I don't move. Us...

About 5 weeks ago I was trying to do rapid-squats without any warm up (yes, stupid, I know), and got this really sharp pain in my right knee, kind of under the kneecap - in the muscle area of my right leg I've been trying to not run at all to aggravate ...

Alright, I have this pain in my right side of my hip. The pain isn't really in my hip but it's a shooting pain from my hip to my knee. I only have the pain when I take weight off my right leg for about a minute or more or when I put all my weight on my rig...

I was about to get out of the bath tub and slipped and my right knee was twisted and I tryed pulling my self but I was stuck and my right leg went one and the left went the other. It was a horrifying pain and I finally was to turn around to back out of th...

Hello, I have been having a little problem with my patella tendons for a while off and on they would flame up and it will feel like something is going to pop when bending, it happens in both knees, I put ice on and by the next day it's gone. I use to play ...

Im 19 yrs old and one day in school i got into a fight. what happened was when the teachers stopped it they put their weight all on me and i went down on one knee really hard. now this is the strange part. its been over a year now and the pain right below ...

Everything post-opt was going as planned and then I woke-up to having localized swelling (edema) in both shins. It was like someone had tightly wrapped both my lower legs with tape from just below the knee, to just above the ankle. It appeared almost car...

I am a 35 year old male. About 1.5 months before, I had tremendous pain in my knee joint along with inflammation and pain in the muscles above the knee. Some days later, the pain subsided but ever since that time my leg muscles have been feeling weak. Ther...

I've hit my knee a month ago. My doctor suspects of a torn cartilage or previous injury and request an MRI. There's a pretty significant white mass in between the joint (Between the bones), I have no idea what it is, but it is where the little black menisc...

I need some help to figure out what is going on... I am a 22 yr old female who has been experiencing pain in my patellar tendon region for as long as I can remember. It began as early as maybe age 7 or 8 and my pediatrician attributed it to "growing pains...

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