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41 - 50 of 86597 Posts
I applied expired neosporin ointment to some scratches on the interior of my buttocks. The next day it became extremely inflamed and had white clear bumps and red as well. It started to subside a little after a few days, however, the skin turned brownish i...

My fiance's dog (Golden Retriever/Chow mix) is approx. 14 years old. For several months she has been licking an area on her left hind leg, and we just recently noticed that it's a wound. We didn't think much of it before because she hasn't been limping, an...

what would be reasons blood and puss comes out of my navel? Clean my navel when I wake up, middle of day, and before i go to bed

about a week ago i noticed a small red bump between 1/4 and 1/2 way up the shaft of my penis. It appears to be slighty raised, shiny on top and sometimes looks like the skin on the bump is flaking off. It does not hurt or anything and the last time i had s...

I have a small red bump on my cheek, about the size of the top a pen. It's not itchy and I have no pain with it. It's there nearly 3 weeks now, I think it could be a burn but should a burn last this long? I've started putting aloe vera on it, how soon shou...

My son woke me up the other morning saying his elbows hurt. I looked and he had small bumps in patches on his elbows best I can say is it looked like chicken skin or goosebumps. It almost looked like he had been leaning on his elbows and somehow irritated ...

Hello, I am a 17 year old boy that recently had sex for the first time with my GF. About a day or two after, I noticed a couple little red bumps on my penis head. I used a condom when i had sex with her, and they only time I put my penis in her without a c...

Hey, so for awhile not I've had bumps on the underside of the head of my penis. The top of them are white and around them is slightly red. They don't hurt and there's no increased sensation or decreased sensation. They just kinda showed up one day. I am ci...

Hi doctor, I recently found a tiny bump half way down on the shaft of my penis. There is no hair follicles in that area. The bump is less than 1 mm in size, no itchiness or tingling felling from it, whether it's touched or not. It hasn't grown in s...

hey it is really embarrassing to say but still i have to. For the last 2-3 days i got 4 to 5 pimple type of things on the flesh(top) of my penis. It itch a bit and now they turned red with white on the top. there are lots of cockroaches in my home and i'm...

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