will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
41 - 50 of 6856 Posts
-Is zylet offered in ointment form? -is tobradex ointment applied to the eyelids less likely to raise IOP than an eyedrop? thanks

i'm 25 years old and i was diagnosed with impetigo today (july 7th). First i had a painful canker sore on my tongue (july 4th) which made it very painful to eat. Then on july 5th, i woke up and i had an abrasion like thing on my lip and around my noise it ...

I had fever and cough in last week. At that time I noticed that I had some 5-6 red spots on my penis and it was slightly itchy on the first day.Now the red spots have been reduced to three,doesn't feel itchy, but is still persisting for last one week.I ha...

I am currently 16w&2days pregnant.. I was preparing for the cost of the operation to get ride of my hemorrhoids and when I was ready after 2 months later I find out I am pregnant.. I overjoyed since I and hubby has been trying to have baby for the past 4 y...

I had similar problem for over 20 years now and doctors could not get the solution. But I notice something whenever I applied aboniki ointment to the pain site the pain will go immediately and come back the following year. this is how I have been managin...

I started getting these tiny itchy bumps on my face last week so I went to see a dermatologist this past Monday and she prescribed hydrocortisone ointment ups 2.5% for me to put on the affected area twice daily, morning and night, for 5 days. The redness o...

I had a very itchy and sore red rash that circles each eye and the eyelids. the discharge is watery and clear, and I have blepharitis like flakes on my lashes. My eye doctor prescribed drops and ointment and advised me to cleanse wit baby shampoo. It pers...

I have an odor and pain re my belly button. Do I need to see my doctor or does this happens from time to time with other women? What's the probable cause?

I used some gloves (Nitrile Exam Gloves) and i had a bad irritation because of that. I stoped used the gloves anymore and I went to the doctor. He gaved me NYSTATIN and TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT USP. It worked for a couple of days but then the oint...

Hello, I am a female with ringworm under my stomach (in the folds under it). I believe it was a severe case because it burned and hurt quite a bit when I went to the doctor. They prescribed Nystatin Ointment and Powder. I have been using it for 5 wk...

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