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51 - 60 of 146 Posts
Help!!!!! I am out of my ambien, wow! this is a real addiction, I feel really sick, don't know what to do.

I was recently prescribed Rozerem for anxiety and panic attacks starting dosage of 15mg. then eventually up to 30 mg.. It really put me to sleep my first few days .I am scared to increase the dosage to 10 mg.. My concern is after the sedation wears off,...

I haven't slept thru the night in at lest 6 months. Before That, I go thru the same boughts. I awake around 3:00 every morning, wide awake. Go to bed about 11:00, sometimes earlier. No naps when I'm not really depressed in a bad way. I have tried Trazad...

it's a precursor to seretonin (tryptophan-~5-HTP-~seretonin) and apparently exists on the shelves. For me antidepressants are forbidden as they induced mania 3 times. But I need to sleep well and AD helped in this regard by pumping seretonin. Does tryp...

Many thanks for reading my post We took our 8 year old daughter, who has a twin sister also, we took one of our twins to a neuro/physiologist and he did lots of test's on our daughter and found she has ADD.I don't know how this hasn't been picked up ...

I have a very hard time staying asleep. I have been taking Nyquil at night and it has worked great keeping me asleep. I just don't think it is very good for me. Is Tyenol pm better to take? Is it bad to take that on a regular basis too?

is anyone on saphris? my pdoc changed me from seroquel and abilify to this new med, which i start tonight. the other 2 was causing my blood sugar and pressure to start going up. i felt fine taking this combo but don't want to take 2 more meds for blood sug...

Can 1 mg of Zyprexa be used as a sleep aid without significant side effects?

For the past 4 months or so, whenever I ejaculate, my semen has a red tint to it. Sometimes its dark red (dried blood) and sometimes its bright red (fresh blood I guess)...nonetheless, I am ejaculating a lot of blood. Recently (in the past 2 months), my...

My doctor prescribed trazodone 100mg (I think it said mg) for my insomnia that I have suffered with for the last 15 years due to a thyroid problem I had years ago. I took it for the first time last night, but I did not fall asleep or even come close to...

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