1 - 10 of 31 Posts
i need some help for severe constipation?

I was recently told by a holistic/alternative person that my body was toxic and full of poop. She then sold me the oxypowder colon cleanse; 4 capsules for at least 7 days. I tried 2 and became dehydrated, plus do not like all the trips to the bathroom even...

I know this is a really eww type of question but is there any kinda laxative that I can take to help me potty better but is also ok for the baby?? Please help!):

reason for anal fissure.what is the treatment and what is the medicine

When should I go see a doctor or how many days should it be away? My next appt isn't til Nov 18th its only day 2of this but I don't like feeling so poopy! Worries me it'll affect the baby I've got the flu shot already. Started on generic robitussin dont fe...

i have a problem when going to toilet for a number two have lumps on out side of anus this has been going on for 6 or so months have been in hospital got knocked out and they say ive got some small internal hemriods which is all well n good but these are e...

Everything changed for me after I had my gallbladder removed, specifically a lot more pain with bowel movements. Now for the last couple month I am having colon spasm daily that are horrifying. I am thinking of adding Konsyl to my diet (gradually). Has an...

Two months ago I had extreme pain (razor blades) while having a bm (blood on tissue & in stool). I went to the doctor, was told it was a hemorrhoid and gave me suppositories. This helped little but after an increase in water intake and more fiber in my d...

I am a 50 year old male, a well-controlled type 1 diabetic (on Novolog and Lantus) for 38 years, and on a generic form of Synthroid (.150 micro), and also on BP med - but what I am mentioning below starting happening way before I was on that BP med. For m...

Neone having blood while pooping... I guess its becoz of cnstipation... Nebdy else hvng similar xperience??? I m 9 weeks prego..

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