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hi, tomorrow im having my e2 blood test, i was wondering how long it will be until i get my results, will it be straight away or will i have to wait a few days

what kind fees are being paid for remote EEG reading?

I’m writing this for information on my husband: He is 63 going to be 64 in December: last month he had a leg surgery, his ekg was fine. This last week he had to do pre op for eye surgery. His ekg this month came back different, He had a stress test stat, h...

Good day: after ive donated my blood on a certain blood bank, later ive found out that i do have HBV on my system, yes. after they've examine my blood. few days after ive tried to run blood test on a recognized testing center on our city.later then i foun...

If someone was to take 9 8mg subutex and 9 10mg valium will it kill you taking ask if it together at the same time

I've reada many posts here my concern is my HIV risk again, and if not hiv what are the chances of contracting an STD from one time exposure as follow: - short protected vaginal - received unprotected oral - fingering with small cut from biting my n...

Have you read the blip in the side line here on Medhelp under what's new with the Hep C drugs? That one about the STAT-C?? It was interesting. My hepatologist had mentioned that down the road, I might need 4 drugs at the same time in order to beat th...

I was at a drug and alchohol conference the other day and the county coroner did a presentation and said most drug related deaths are due to prescription drug overdoses and not meth. In my area and most of the US I imagine meth is a huge problem and u hea...

Does anyone have any experience/info re: the emerging STAT protocols for HepC tx? what about virus sophistication and resistance-building?

hello, i went in to a clinic that offered free hiv testing. turned out to be the oral swab. one thing i was kind of caught off guard was that after i inserted it in my mouth, the instructor took me upstairs to make a donation and when we came down...he...

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