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1 - 10 of 5793 Posts
What is the range of normal testosterone levels for a 73 year old man?

What is normal testosterone level

My boyfriend is 15 and he is taking muscle pills to get big fast. one of the pills is Testosterone pills. He told him mom that he would no longer take these, but yet he is. now i have to prove to him that this can be bad for him since hes just 15 please he...

ah went to family dr a few days ago. one of the things he talked to him about was his greatly decreased sex drive. ah & I have talked a few times about how these pills effect his sex drive. last time he 'quit' he even brought up the fact that he was feelin...

I have posted on forums before but seldom get an answer. My family doctor has me on the androderm patch. It seems to be working ok, but it is somewhat of a pain to place the patch and keep it sticking. The doctor doesnt like the injections because your...

Hi, I’m from the Philippines. I was diagnosed with 4mm pit last august of 2009.As of now, all my laboratory tests are within normal level except my testosterone. I’m on testosterone replacement therapy since August of 2009 but I’m afraid of the possible si...

I am a soon to be 64 year old white male, 5'9" 275lbs and my testosterone level is 178.......???

How do you know if your body is producing enough testerone? Is there an actual test?

I had a surgery to remove a carotid body tumor--benign--but the surgery did not go well. I recovered as far as I can. After 39 units of blood and fluids I was really bloated and was placed in 17 days of a drug induced optic nerves were permanen...

I was recently advise by my endocronologist to have an MRI to check why my testerone level is so low (155). I have hot flashes at night. I also have a running nose when I awake in the morning. What is involved with the MRI. Are there other causes for low t...

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