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I had a heart attack,3 stents now take aspirin,coreg,losinopril,and famotidine.I was prescribed vistaril 25 mg 3 times a day.What amount of time in between doses do they mean?This is for panic attacks (also crestor)

Hi there. I was just prescribed Vistaril for anxiety and am on Celexa for depression. Does anyone have any past experiences with Vistaril? Thanks C.

My husbands doctor prescribed him Vistaril & Xanax today. He went there for help for using Oxys etc. Does anyone know about this, or know if it may help? We keep getting the run around with our doctors by just prescribing anxiety meds. So has anyone used...

Anyone ever take Vistaril for marked anxiety? I get anxious occasionally, and have tried all of the SSRIs. I can't take them. They make me gain weight & feel like I'm in a bad fog. I suffer from high BP & tachycardia, which I'm on medicine for, and when I ...

antihistimines do not stop my itch .what can i do ?

I suffer from severe panic attacks and I wanted to know if I can take Vistaril and Klonopin at the same time.

Up again all night with contractions. I will be 17 weeks Saturday and I cant sleep because of them. Anyone ever use this drug?

it seems like vistaril is way worse than klonopin? why is that?

Dear Dr. -- I was taking prescription Ativan for 6 months & became dependent on it. I couldn't take the severe withdrawal so I got detoxed. While in detox for 10 days I was given a lot of drugs like Seroquel, Vistaril, Trazadone, Clonidine, & phenobarbita...

I was prescribed Vistaril today, I also take Klonopin at bedtime 0.25 mgs. Can I do both? Funny thing is my ENT doctor prescribed the Vistaril for me 25 mgs. at bedtime....... Since he's not a Psychaistrist will it be Ok to take both? I went to him b...

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