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1 - 10 of 87507 Posts
Will valium cause a rise in ast and alt

I have 10 m g diazepam that I got from a friend to go withe thomas recipe. should I maybe take that and then a little less over the next day or so could that help with my aniouness and being so down? Or should I leave it alone/ She gave me 3 pills What sho...

i am tapering off xanax under doctors care and am taking 5-10 mg of valium at night. I just took my first pill and dont feel much? how long does it take to kick in and how will i feel? should i take 10mg? so confused! LOL

As of last week (maybe two weeks ago), I had reduced my Klonopin intake from 3 MG/day to 1.5 MG/day. As of late, I've been buying Valium illegally (taking up to 20 MG per day, in addition to my Klonopin), buying Seroquel illegally (for sleep, even though m...

Is diazepam safe to take for premature contractions? My daughter's gynecologist has her on this (as well as partial bedrest) and I'm slightly worried. She is due Aug. 17.

I was wondering how "bad" this pill is? I take 5mg twice daily along with propanol and my lexapro but I see people saying not to stay on it for long and I've been on it a little over 2 years. I also take a pill when needed during a panic attack. I'm afraid...

I have been on 2 mg diazepam at night for just over a month now. I got them from abroad and my doctor does not know I am on them. I also take Venlafaxine 75 mg morning and 37.5 mg at night. My question is how do I wean off the diazepam. My tablets can...

i have taken 1/4 of a 4 of diazipam will this calm me down as i feel really out of it as thow i do not no who i am i hate his anxziety please anwer

i was wondering if anybody has any ideas on how to totally *** off diazepam as i know im only on 2mg 1 a day then sum days i dont take it for 1 day then BANG i get shakey n need one again.will i die from these diazepam?i just dont know wat to do as my gp j...

Why can't I take large doses of diazepam regularly and continuously for anxiety management? No website, text book or doctor could or would approve this. I understand the drug is addictive, and the dosage would need to rise to achieve the same effect but ...

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