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Search Results for "Aspirin Rect"

1 - 10 of 7926 Results
I have rect. stopped taking Fentanyl Patches for a cronic condition, I have. (, 21 days now )I am feeling better every day, after thinking I was going to DIE.. I made it through, this fourm really helped with info and a kind word. Now what I am wonder...

I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with a uterine prolapse grade 2. I had a re-evaluation last week and my OB/GYN grades it at a 1-1 1/2 now. I have beenworried about exercising because I don't want to do anything that will make my prolapse worse. My GYN did n...

Any time I drink red gatorade I get sick. Even if its just a little bit. Does anyone else have this issue with red gatorade? If I'm allergic to something in it does that affect the baby?

I'm 18 weeks and I get bad headaches the pain is so bad that I have to take 1 everyday can that effect my baby girl?

Is aspirin safe to take during pregnancy

I've had two miscarriages and the hospital gave me a injection to thin my blood I looked it up and aspirin also thins blood could this make my pregnancy a higher chance of going healthy? Help please

A few days ago I started having different than my run of the mill arrhythmia and chest pain - it generated up through my left chest area and jawline; squeezing throbbing pains in my chest that was a bit different than anything else I've felt. I did my ...

do the doctor give aspirin to pregnant women? if yes then at what week they give? cos i m 15 week pregnant and i m not taking any anibiotic my doctor didnt prescribe me. is that ok?

Hi Guys just finised my first round of clomid.. found out I am prego today... took pregnancy test tuesday and today went for blood work and came back that I am. Doc told me to take a baby asprin due to my thick blood... has anyone had similar problem with...

I was diagnosed with arrhythmia in December 2006 after taking medication for just over a year I had electrocardioversion which cured the arrhythmia. The consultant told me to take one Aspirin 300mg daily. What I would like to know is how long do I need ...

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