Search Results for "Methadone"

1 - 10 of 12858 Results
i am on methadone maintenance for opiate addiction, if methadone is also an opiate blocker what prescription meds will give me relief from my pain? i mean, do i take higher doses of opiate to get relief from my pain or is there a certain pain med i need to...

I have been trying to take methadone to stop using tramadol does anyone know if this will work? I was taking 1400mg of tramadol a day.

Hi I am new to Medhelp so if I double posted I am sorry. Anyway I am preg and was addicted to hydrocodone 10 mg 3X a day. I wanted to just stop cold turkey but was unable to cause of the WD and being preg. I went to a Dr w/my OB's advice to get on Suboxone...

hello there, as i posted already i will start soon my triple therapy with victrelis. as my insurance only covers the victrelis i wonder about how does methadone interact with vic. if i have to in or decrease my metadone dose i dont care,but im worried ...

What is Methadone?: Methadone is an opiate that was first introduced after World War II as an alternative to morphine. Methadone was originally thought to be less addictive because of its extremely long half life. Today, methadone is used as an analgesic f...

The level of misinfo on here about this subject is sad. Here are some facts: There is an EXTREMELY HIGH risk of miscarriage if you detox from methadone while pregnant. Lowering your dose WILL NOT mitigate neonatal withdrawal symptoms after birth. The fe...

i have been taking about 3 10/325s every 4 hours for about 2 years.. i get 180 every month and i go thru them in 2 1/2 weeks .. then i use methadone to take away the withdraws, untill the next month.. My question is .. if i were to stop the hydrocodone ...

I have been on methadone for 10 yrs. now. I 'am presently on 12 mg. I want to wean off the right way but my methadone clinic keeps yo-yoing my doses (take-outs). So now my children and my mental health counselor all wants me to go in and detox off the meth...

Iv been on methadone for over 15 years and have started on suboxone. I was on 50 mls methadone and have been put on 16mg suboxone. Im really struggling and am going back to work tomorrow. I have no energy and still feel Wd symptoms. How long will this las...

i am w/d from percocets but i had some methodone so i have been using it the last 2 days in a small dose to help with some of the w/d

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